Well, it's the thought that counts, right?
Well, it's the thought that counts, right?
It's missing some things, but I'm sure the important bits are still there. I'd like to check if it still worked, but then it'd bash into the plumbing. My current theory is that it was mainly a service elevator when the house was first being built, and when later remodels were done to the house it seemed like the perfect place to stick in some water pipes.
You'd be surprised at what people can be offended by. Just the other day I read an article on how the Ruby & Sapphire Pokemon remake demos were slightly against women because the female main character only served as a healer for the male main character. That and another article that because the creator of Facebook decides to wear plain clothes it discourages women who dress better from reaching the same goals.
I should probably stop reading these kinds of articles, if only to save myself the headache.
Seems like a fun enough game. I'll be sure to add it to my mental list of games to try out sometime.
Loved Animaniacs as a kid, and still do now. I pretty much watched all the shows you mentioned, though my memory of them is a bit hazy.
It's stuff like that which reaffirms my thinking that aliens do exist (because with a universe this vast, it'd be beyond strange if we're the only ones out there), they just want nothing to do with us at all.
As a non-drinker, I can assure you it's not the beer. Unless I have that weird condition where I have the same bacteria in my gut that allows for alcohol to ferment. That would explain my lack of balance and tendency to slur my speech...
The shirt had some depictions of women in provocative poses, which while a bit tacky wasn't really anything to get riled up about, at least to me. Though it's kind of funny how some people decried it as sexist (seriously though, how can a shirt be sexist? It's a shirt!), while disregarding the fact that it was a birthday gift from a female friend of his.
It's funny that you mention it, but I did want to be a doctor when I was younger. As for rescuing any princesses, I haven't yet, but who knows what the future holds?
The covers alone look pretty cool.
Almost nothing exclusively for the XBox One or PS4 interests me that much, so I can't really justify the money that'd be neccessary in purchasing either of them right now. The Wii U on the other hand...