There were definitely frustrating parts in TLG, but i think Trico was more responsive for me than he was for many others. I definitely know what you mean 5though. It's a flawed game, but still great.
There were definitely frustrating parts in TLG, but i think Trico was more responsive for me than he was for many others. I definitely know what you mean 5though. It's a flawed game, but still great.
This was I think one of the years I wasn't playing ANYTHING new. I got a Steam-ready laptop in 2012, but didn't actually use it for gaming until 2013.
I played Shovel Knight either late December or some time in 2015, but I'd go with that for this year.
I realize no one cares at this point, I'm just doing this for me. I love this segment.
Super wish I had access to current Flash episodes. I always catch up on Netflix a season later.
I kinda dug the first couple episodes of Legends of Tomorrow. I like camp when it's done well. I love 60's Batman.
There's too much f*ing TV in general. There is no way to have a full time job and watch all of it, unless watching all of it IS your job.
To hell with DCU. Anyone remember that interview where the interviewer kept trying to get RDJ to compare his resolved drug problems with his role as Iron Man and RDJ told him to stop with his "dark shit?" That's how I now feel about every Snyder DC film. And I actually liked Watchmen.
Nice touch with the SP Patrick referenced.
I played the demo and enjoyed it, but there were times the controls were a bit hard to get used to and the demo had some repetitive beat-em-up elements. It looked cool though.
I don't know if i ever played that or just first one.
Well, yeah. lol I've heard quite a few negative anecdotes from other former Baylor professors (one of whom I took for a Freshman anthropology course and now see at university-level faculty meetings ... weird) and former students who were not Protestant and felt like they were not welcome. I cannot confirm or deny any of that, but there are people I liked who went to Baylor. I dunno.
I think social media conditions us to think the next generation walks around outraged all the time. I've had students involved in protests, but you wouldn't know about it from the way they act in class. They do the same stupid bullshit any 18-year-old would, but frankly I'd guess this upcoming generation is more well-behaved and hardworking than many give them credit for. It just sucks that Texas public schools literally don't focus on grammar any more, which ... hurts them in college.
D&D is of the devil.
I really want Zelda. Just not at $360, unless it's a gift and that's a bit too pricey to ask of any friends/family.
Man. I miss big ass mall arcades.
Xbox game pass is only $10 and let's you download. Yeah scalebound cancellation sucks, but I'm honestly jealous of XBO owners for once.
The professor next door to me said his pastor's wife told her she's not to go to Beauty and the Beast because their church is boycotting due to the gay character. Said professor is Jewish himself and seems to be looking forward to the movie. lol He even told me a funny story about one of his colleagues at Baylor who turned out to be gay (which is why they found some way to get rid of him, according to my Jewish professor friend). So yeah, boycotts and negative media attention before the game even hits could ruin everything.
I really only got a lengthy response from one older, black/female student who thought it would be cool and mentioned growing up in Germany experiencing racism and noticing how many white Barbies there were and her brother wanting a white action figure. Something about wanting to be treated like those action figures. It was an interesting analogy.
Another student said he didn't think games should try it, but when I said "ok, why?" (inquisitively, I was genuinely curious why, not trying to shut him down) he actually said "ummm ... I actually can't think of a reason." Which sucks, cause I wanted to hear why. Maybe he just isn't interested and doesn't think others would be either, which is a valid point I think.
Only other response I remember is someone bringing up what age you play games and how that affects creativity, knowledge, etc. She said her brothers were young and learned better through gaming on the Wii etc., but thought once you became a teen you would play more violent stuff.
Another girl just said there's a line between using video games responsibly to achieve some of those positive things and becoming obsessed (this was related to the "real v. virtual happiness"/meaning part).
If you haven't noticed, SFA is about 64% female and so are my classes. lol
I also asked them about MOOCs (I think you took a course like that for web design) and Touch Technology (where you can supposedly feel silk or smell pizza via your phone). To my pleasant surprise, most said they still prefer face-to-face courses and there was some mention of not wanting smells to come from your phone (touch was fine though).
The chapter was on Internet if you're wondering why it seems to be so all over the place. They're next test is over movies, television, and Internet.