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Super Step's Comments - Page 366

I Think I'm Finding My Groove in Borderlands 2

Posted on 03/02/2017 at 10:36 PM | Filed Under Blogs

And also with you.

- a level 70 lapsed Catholic.

Possible favorite games 1999

Posted on 03/02/2017 at 07:38 PM | Filed Under Blogs

See, my neighbors had Banjo, but for some reason i never really okayed it. I just wasn't that interested in it when watching them. 

I'm starting to lean toward at least mentioning Beetle Racing so they mention it in the podcast. I think you're right though, i definitely played DK64 the most on my list.

The Nintendo Switch Chicago Preview Event

Posted on 03/02/2017 at 07:33 PM | Filed Under Feature

Thanks for the replies! To be honest, i love 16 bit graphics, I'm just not sure old Sonics are for me gameplay wise. I'd give it a chance though.

Possible favorite games 1999

Posted on 03/02/2017 at 05:18 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Beetle Adventure Racing was a lot more fun than you think. 

Possible favorite games 1999

Posted on 03/02/2017 at 05:17 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I am also trying to find 3 cancelled games I ever gave a crap about. 

That's the problem with these for me. Either it's hard for me to find one I care about (only reason THPS2 was my pick for 2000 ... and come to think of it I did play Spider-Man on PSX sometimes, so ... shit) or there's too much goodness to pick from (1999).

The Nintendo Switch Chicago Preview Event

Posted on 03/02/2017 at 04:33 PM | Filed Under Feature

I didn't realize Sonic Mania was a 16-bit throwback ... I'm actually less excited now, to be honest. I thought it was going to be like Generations. 

It's a little stupid that I still kinda want to play the 500th edition of SFII, but here we are. 

The Nintendo Switch Chicago Preview Event

Posted on 03/02/2017 at 04:31 PM | Filed Under Feature

What would you tell someone who might just get a Wii U instead for Zelda?

How much are games like Arms and Snipperclips? 

Do you think the Switch will have enough battery life on the go, and do you see yourself playing it mostly that way or primarily at home?

How awkward does it get having to stare into the other player's sould instead of the screen during things like cow milking minigames?

Episode 107: Beginner's Guide to Console Wars

Posted on 03/02/2017 at 12:29 PM | Filed Under Feature

Oh, and I loved Street Sk8er! The fact the CD would play in CD players was cool. Favorite song from that one was "All My Friends Are Metalheads" by Less than Jake.

Episode 107: Beginner's Guide to Console Wars

Posted on 03/02/2017 at 12:24 PM | Filed Under Feature

Reply to this podcast. Chrono Cross and top 3 cancelled games to come in another comment. (I promise, no essay this time).

Still serious about maybe having Patrick skype into my Intro Social Media class about his experience as a brand ambassador. 

Console Wars:

To answer your questions, Pat:

Yup, I meant to say Sunshine>64 for me. The first N64 game I played or was aware of was SF64 (got my N64 in '97), so I was never wowed by Mario 64. I'm not going to argue about objective quality necessarily, though I have played both recently and still prefer Sunshine, but Mario 64 doesn't have the same "wow" or nostalgia factor for me it did for others. 

And no, GCN wasn't popular because of me at my school. Trust me, I did not have that kind of social pull or power. Actually, I think Ray (non-nerd) did mention getting a GCN because of how much I talked about it, so maybe? He also mentioned he didn't like Metroid Prime which a lot of us didn't at the time, to be honest. The gameplay wasn't something we were interested in or used to at age 12. I love it now, but I preferred Fusion then.

And Julian is correct, the XBOX controller being bulky and the GCN's being just right for our tiny little hands was a big reason we didn't like XBOX. 

Chrono Cross:

I forgot I chose THPS2 for 2000, but tbh it was mainly because I played nothing else of not that year besides Spider-Man, which would have been my favorite, but I mostly played it on N64. I only saw the PSX version listen on Wikipedia.

Consumption Junction:

I haven't been to Best Buy in a while either. Hmm... still sad Hastings is gone, so now the ONLY entertainment options in Nacogdoches for books, movies, anything are GameStop, Game X Change, the Carmike 6, the bookstore downtown (not sure how that's doing), and ... Wal Mart. So not terrible, but none of those are really close to each other and I never really go to the bookstore. 

The flying pigs of Tera sound awesome. but I don't like MMOs. And is mount referring to an in-game saddle? To hell with even a penny for that if that's the case. 

I'm with Patrick as far as For Honor. I thought the combat was really simplistic and rock paper scissorsy when I played the beta.

BaD puzzle platforming

Posted on 03/02/2017 at 12:12 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I don't finish the challenges I can't find or anything not listed on the map, I just like having the story filled in via documents and relics as I go along. I could leave the "only there as fetch quest" stuff like caches alone for now though. I probably will stop trying to get this stupid document until later, because it's making the game less fun. Gonna try again today and then let it go if I don't get it. Now I know how my students feel when they see they got a 98% on a project ...

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