I find it funny some people say "These graphics look like they're from the PS2" as if that's an insult. I played some stunning looking games on the PS2 and the graphics on my 360 really aren't that much better in most cases.
I hope this generation innovates beyond visuals. I think many gamers today are above shelling out money just because a game's graphics look gorgeous.
For me personally it seems like developers took more risks on older consoles and I really hope that returns in the new generation. I'm kind of tired of publishers taking original game franchises and making them more "mainstream" just to appeal to a broader demographic.
Yeah, money talks and bullshit walks. I get that but the point is these guys are losing money right now because they cannot innovate & their games are so expensive to make they have to sell 5 million copies just to make it above the red line. It's ridiculous, Ryan!