That's a bummer about E3. You must be really mad. I don't think I've ever seen you use a curse word. Not like saying "F***" is technically a curse word. For all we know it could be something completely innocent lol.
That's a bummer about E3. You must be really mad. I don't think I've ever seen you use a curse word. Not like saying "F***" is technically a curse word. For all we know it could be something completely innocent lol.
It's hard to believe it's almost over with. Despite February being the shortest month in the year, it seemed a lot longer when trying to keep up with everybody lol.
I sent a friend from 1up a Sega Genesis once. He wrote a blog about it. It makes me sad looking at that. I've lost contact with him since then. He was supposed to come over to Pixlbit, but for whatever reason, never did.
Welcome back!!! It's great to know your still alive lol.
Organ Trail was a great game. On PC anyway. I don't know about the mobile version. The controls seemed suited to that though. Anodyne was pretty good too.
I'm curious to see the rest of your list if Duke 3D is this high. Have you played the N64 version of Goldeneye lately? Ugh. Time has not been kind to that game.
I don't know Alex. Maybe I'm just spoiled by modern 3D games. My brother was watching me play it, and couldn't help but notice it. He said the DS version is improved a lot. It's still a great game though. I had a lot of fun playing it again despite having issues with the camera.
Does that stuff turn you into a zombie if you drink too much?
It's been far too long since I beat ALttP. FAR too long. I sure would like to play the new one, but alas, no 3DS. Nice song though.
I love Mario 64... but having played it recently, I couldn't help take issue with some things. The camera can be pretty sucky. I felt like I was fighting the camera way too much. It was definitely revolutionary at the time though.