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Super Step's Comments - Page 373

BaD Excuses

Posted on 02/25/2017 at 11:33 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Neither was I. Sold.

BaD 2017.19: ready for giant bomb.

Posted on 02/25/2017 at 05:05 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah, Audacity is the most popular free one. I vastly prefer mixing with Audition, but Audacity gets the job done.

BaD Excuses

Posted on 02/25/2017 at 04:56 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Ok but is it that the stealth is made better, the open world aspect, the gunplay? Cause for me it makes a difference what's stronger about it.

BaD puzzle platforming

Posted on 02/25/2017 at 04:53 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Grr indeed.

I have broken out of the gamer loop.

Posted on 02/25/2017 at 04:22 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I haven't played gone home, but it looks good. 

The original Witcher? I only own 3 and there were some questions being asked of me that made me think "wtf man, I DON'T KNOW." Seemed like i still wouldn't have remembered even if i had played the first 2.

RETROspective: Game Boy Heroes

Posted on 02/25/2017 at 02:10 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Of these, I've only played Tetris and Pokemon. Believe it or not, a shmup called solar striker is the game boy game i played most.

A Saturday BaDlog. Tech Issues with Switch Already

Posted on 02/25/2017 at 02:03 PM | Filed Under Blogs

That sucks. Hopefully it doesn't lead to people getting too switched out of shape! That bad news is a real switcheroo with all the positive hype. So you're sayingb they switch up the syncing at random times?

Nintendo consoles really lend themselves to puns.

BaD 2017.19: ready for giant bomb.

Posted on 02/25/2017 at 01:47 PM | Filed Under Blogs

It's certainly a good launching pad. Most of the challenge you'll run into with video is the production part ( lighting, frame rate, etc.), but there's ac reason i teach classes video and audio editing in the same half of the semester. 

What audio editor do you use for NWP?

BaD 2017.19: ready for giant bomb.

Posted on 02/25/2017 at 01:14 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Avid was industry standard for a while, but final cut and premiere are used more and more professionally now. Final cut x had a botched rollout ( there's a Conan video on it in fact) which led to premiere taking over their space recently, but people have come around on x a bit since the updates. 

Truth be told, they all do generally the same things and it's mostly about what UI suits you and your needs. They each have their special features, but professional editors try NOT to go crazy with it unless the situation calls for it. They all have cutting, transitions, and text and for many things that's all you need. I would learn keyframes so you know how to play around with placement and if so inclined there's color correction, speed change etc. but the best editing is the editing you don't notice.

BaD Excuses

Posted on 02/25/2017 at 01:07 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Why is it series' best gameplay? 

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