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Ranger1's Comments - Page 40

BaD #6 - Proudest gaming accomplishments

Posted on 02/09/2017 at 10:11 PM | Filed Under Blogs

One. And it was an easy one. Knowing I could get it was what pretty much kept me going through the game.

I think your reviewing gig counts. You had to play the games long enough to get a feel for them and then write about them. And you do it well.

This blog entry was all about those little moments that make you feel good. Doesn't matter what the game was, what matters is the emotion.

BaD #6 - Proudest gaming accomplishments

Posted on 02/09/2017 at 10:07 PM | Filed Under Blogs

My Platinum is for a game called Afrika, which is essentially a photography simulator. The game itself was kind of disappointing, but it was an easy platinum.

The thing that impressed me the most about High Noon is that the movie more or less is done in real time. The events of the movie happen over an hour and a half, and the length of the movie is an hour and a half. It's really a very well-done movie.

BaD: Because You Grew Up

Posted on 02/09/2017 at 11:13 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Good for you!


Posted on 02/09/2017 at 10:39 AM | Filed Under Blogs

You can do it, Nicole!  

Not feeling up to much at the moment

Posted on 02/09/2017 at 10:07 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm sorry, Peter. Go to my Facebook wall and watch Beau zooming around in the snow. That might help a little bit.

BaD: Because You Grew Up

Posted on 02/09/2017 at 10:05 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Seems like just yesterday, except the apple of my eye is over six feet tall now and turning 21 and has no time for me anymore.

But your client is right, it is because you grew up. I, on the other hand, have been steadfastly refusing to grow up since I hit adulthood. Just ask my nieces and nephews. And at almost 48, if I haven't done it yet, it's not likely to happen.

BaD: Because You Grew Up

Posted on 02/09/2017 at 12:23 AM | Filed Under Blogs

My nephew was into Yu-Gi-Oh, so of course I supported his habit when he came for his visits in the summer. I never got into it, but it made the apple of my eye happy, so hey, couldn't be a bad thing, right? I still have a couple of magnets from the Yu-Gi-Oh Staks series that he gave me on my fridge, from 15 or so years ago.

BaD 2017.7: all-dayer.

Posted on 02/08/2017 at 09:19 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I don't have chronic insomnia, so when I do have a bout, it screws with me greatly. And I have done what you're doing, and I can so empathize with that comic! Good luck today, and I hope you get some sleep tonight.

BaD 2017.6: for the hoard?

Posted on 02/08/2017 at 09:15 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I kept my CRT flatscreen. It's currently in my closet, but this is the year I clean out the piles of boxes and get rid of or organize the stuff that is taking up space in my tiny cottage. It's amazing what not being depressed has been doing for my productivity! I'll be making a retro corner and I'm really excited about that.

I have to laugh, because I immediately recognized those three boxed sets in with your PSX games. I have all of them, too. Arc the Lad I bought new and still has all the goodies, but the two Lunar sets were used. Lunar SIlver Star Story had most of the goodies, but Eternal Blue only has about half of what should have been in it.

BaD #5 - The food blog

Posted on 02/07/2017 at 09:22 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I love to cook, and I have a ton of easy, tasty recipes. Hit me up any time you want. You don't need to be a chef, you just need to be a decent cook. You're cooking for yourself, not for paying customers or Gordon Ramsey. And the important thing is to have fun doing it. You should hear me giggling every time I use those new knives, lol.

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