I still need to finish the PS4 game but I'm stuck on the fire breathing lizard, I think.
Might wanna ready an instruction book for those seaborne Triforce pieces ...
According to 60% of Google users, the creation of Hotel Mario WAS the redemption arc. Having watched the YouTube video of the cutscenes and bosses (even more Google advertising!), I'm inclined to agree. What an amazing experience.
This sounds right up my alley, so if I see it on PS4 or Steam for the right price ...
Every time I go to put Horizon: Zero Dawn on story, I just ... can't do it. The challenge is too much of the appeal to me.
But as not at all far into Witcher III as I am, I think I can start from there. Maybe.
I don't really like gross things, so this isn't for me. Grossness was kind of a theme in the 9os though, what with Gak, Nickelodeon slime, Ren n Stimpy, etc.
I could see Nether Realms Studios updating this one ...
Dammit, the TV shows are leading into the movies now? There are already enough marvel movies, I don't have time to keep up!