I really enjoyed the first 3 Crash games and CTR. Why has it been so hard to make another one that's actually good?
I really enjoyed the first 3 Crash games and CTR. Why has it been so hard to make another one that's actually good?
Ahh, if I was only still able to do that kind of stuff. It's been a long time since I've been able to rock and roll all night. LOL
What, no panda? LOL Kitties are cool too.
I realize everyone including me has been up to their ass in BaD lately. I had 105 blogs unread as of this morning.
I mainly mentioned it because of the game deals and music thread in particular.
That's because gaming and music go together like Hot Dogs and er..... something that goes really well with Hot Dogs. :D
I have RE 5 available for download courtesy of PSN+ but I just never bothered to dl it.
I hate Rockstar for reasons I've mentioned to you before so I don't give a rat's rectum about any of their games.
Rest is good. You made the effort. Everything is cool. Sleep now. :)
LOL, thanks for checking in Larry. Chariots of Kitties
I want a Wii U!
Oh yeah I used your attack in a battle the other day and you kicked serious ass!
I have a level 70 demon sitting in my town right now. Ignoring him. They go away after a while.
Yes, as Aaron points out FF 12 is a long bottomed game. I spent 120 hours playing and still didn't do all the marks. I was so overleveled by the end that the final battles were a complete doddle. LOL
Beyond Good and Evil is a quick hit in comparison.