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GeminiMan78's Comments - Page 41

More loot in Broken's vault of sleeper gems!

Posted on 03/01/2014 at 10:15 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Brutal Legend  really is underated. Almost picked up Binary Domain but the cat at Gamestop actually talked me out of it,lol. I think I will have to add it to my gamefly Q and just give it a shot. A previous reveiw you did on it was what made me want to check it out in the first place.

BaD Choices for a BaD Game!

Posted on 03/01/2014 at 10:05 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Tough choice.The first one has a nice mystrious vibe but also a drive, gives it a sense of movement. The Second one was cool too, kind of reminded me of Ghost in the Shell, very atomotspereic, but still and dark.  I think I would go with the first one if it is for the title screen. The second piece might me nice for the intro into a scene or level.

Return to The BaDlands #27 - Do You Buy Collector's Editions?

Posted on 02/28/2014 at 10:14 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I have not yet but mostly just because I didn't have the money. Depending on the price and the extras that are included, if I can afford it and the perks are nice enough then I probably will. I actually was trying to get the collector edition of Tales of Xillia, but I waited too long and they ran out.

Borderlands 2 Post Game and New Stuff Tuesday

Posted on 02/28/2014 at 09:14 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Ultimate Vault hunter mode is included in the ultimate vault hunter DLC pack, bumps your level cap to 61. But you still have to beat TVHM to access it. The Digistruct Peak DLC bumps lv cap to 72.  I have a PS3 , not familiar with 360 or point cards. I know some people on PS3 would let a friend use their PSn acount to dwonload it but it can screw stuff up doing it that way.

Persona 5 is coming to PS3! year...sigh

Posted on 02/28/2014 at 09:03 AM | Filed Under Blogs

It's still a ways out so who knows they might be working on a port for it, at the very least for Vita.

Borderlands 2 Post Game and New Stuff Tuesday

Posted on 02/27/2014 at 08:50 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Ultimate is great although a bit tough, the key is that you have to slag everything if you want to do any real damage. You also get Legendary loot midgets. They will randomly jump out of chest and lockers and will usually drop something pretty good when you kill them. Even better are tubby enemies. They are a better version of the chubby from TVHM, drop legendary class mods and the occasional legendary weapon.

Favorite Quotes?

Posted on 02/26/2014 at 09:06 PM | Filed Under Blogs

" Your not your fucking khakis." Fight Club

"You don't understand, I'm not locked in here with you. Your locked in here with me." Rorschach, Watchmen

"We came, we saw, we kicked its ass!" Ghostbusters  

Borderlands 2 Post Game and New Stuff Tuesday

Posted on 02/25/2014 at 10:25 PM | Filed Under Blogs

 So here is the edited version so you don't have to go looking for it. Hope it helps.Laughing

First is the golden key trick. This is a useful way to improve your arsenal if drops have been skimpy or you want to sell a bunch of pricy stuff for money to spend at the slot machines. First of all you have to have two controllers and two characters who have made it to Sanctuary. So start your game with the character you DO NOT want loot for. Once you are in Santuary press start to pause the game. Use controller 2 to bring in your second player (the character you DO want loot for). It will give you a warning about using the same profile, continue anyway because it will not effect what you are doing. Press triangle to open the profile load screen and choose the person you want loot for. Once you do this hit circle on controller 1 then X to comfirm you want to bring player two in. Player 2 will spawn with 11 golden keys. You can now loot the chest with player two. You can exit and return over and over and you will get 11 golden keys everytime. Now about the warning. Any loot you get this way must go into the backpack or bank of either of your two characters. If you try to stash any of it in clap traps secret stash it will not be saved and will be lost. The keys will not be saved either, use them or lose them. Also any badass tokens used or any new u changes to player 2 will not be saved.

The last tip is about duping stuff. This is the easiest and most fool proof way and you can even use it  to dupe stuff to your other characters. So start a trade by holding circle. Add the item you want to dupe then select Duel. Have the other person or charatcer select duel. Once the duel begins open the menu on the character who put their gear up, drop these items, you may have to move them to or from your equiped gear to get them to drop. Once you drop them close the menu and have your other character or the other player kill you. When they win the duel the items will be duped to them and you simply go pick up the stuff you dropped. IMPORTANT! Always make sure if your duping for some one else that they know how this works. If they defeat you before you drop your stuff they will win it and you will lose it.

So thats all for today, happy hunting.

Persona 5 is coming to PS3! year...sigh

Posted on 02/25/2014 at 10:09 PM | Filed Under Blogs

They ported beefed up versions of 3 and 4 so it only seems logical that this one will make its way to the Vita too.

Excitement Now Gone...

Posted on 02/25/2014 at 09:33 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I was a bit put off with how they handled just about everything with this game. The first time they put up a notice that accounts may have been hacked and that we should change passwords kind of freaked me out. It is there responsiblity to stay on top of that shit, especially if I am paying a monthly subcription to play their game. I plan jump back in in the summer once the tourist season here tames down and I have more time to play. The collector edition deals can be bitter sweet, sorry to hear you have to scrap your plans.

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