No, that wasn up[[ose to be can't
I donyt ,inf because mel gibson is and asshile!
The quests are a lot better than one. They aren't as errandy and feel a bit more natural. I would recommend reading the books though.
From here on it shall be known as the xbox 180...
Fair enough. I highly recommend seeking out the Children of the Earth dvd, as it is absolutely fantastic!
The first episodes of both those shows are nothing. Seriously.
I didn't even watch season 4. I the first bit in the first ep turns me off every time.
Ok, so I you're up to ep 3 so I have a question, at the end (no spoilers just in case you haven't watched it all or something), was there a really weird musical cue over a really dramatic bit? I pirate it every week and then buy the dvds when they come out because we don't get the show in Aus, and I was just wondering if it was because I pirated it lol.
Even before he arrived, the show was amazing. The scenes with Tuco were tense as hell, and the dude getting his head crushed by an atm was nuts. But Gus is an amazing villain :)