Number 1 for me has to be Parasite Eve. With Bloodrayne a close second. They could do a fantastic game with next gen graphics and the character of Rayne has such great story possibilities.
Number 1 for me has to be Parasite Eve. With Bloodrayne a close second. They could do a fantastic game with next gen graphics and the character of Rayne has such great story possibilities.
Very impressive Gamerscore you have. I just broke 10,000 recently and got all excited. It's pretty slow going for me,but I finished Max Payne 3 last night and picked up about 60 points in doing so. As for XBOX One I try not to put on the tin foil hat and get paranoid. But that camera and it's possibilities for spying make me nervous. I don't think that is their intention,but you have to remember there are many devious assholes out there who think they rule "cyber world" and do devious things just to show us they can. Having an active camera that is that sensitive in my room online is just spooky.
If websites pop up selling pictures of naked girls playing games,we'll know something is up. You KNOW some perv is out there right now trying to come up with a plan to do it. And are you trying to tell me that Weezy is the devil? You mean they threw the devil into prison? That's just mean to the other inmates....
I didn't realize they used them until today. Thought it was still a bit of sci-fi weaponry. Apparently they've even made toy guns for kids that can do that!
Max Payne 3 gets insane as it goes along. I'm nearing the end now and the blood being spilled could fill a small pond. Bullet Time just never gets old,still a lot of fun. I may have to try one of those Army Of Two games with my son. He excels at most shooters.
I am with you on this. I like having a book with all the data I need right there at my finger tips. I know they are trying to save trees[and money!] by going digital,but still. They will charge the same for games without the booklet,that goes without saying. I'm just an old fuddy duddy I guess!
Never played any of the Wild Arms games. But if it has music like this I'm interested in trying one. That was great.
We have heard so many good things about the movie we'll probably see it before we do Star Trek:Into Darkness. And even though I'm not real big on driving games this one looks awesome. I spent a good deal of Memorial Day doing X-rays out in the nursing homes. Chatted up all the vets I know. I always remember that if it were not for those who died in service to our country,it might be far different. Like they say.....freedom isn't free.
Nice photos....and hat! Very stylish one. Does kinda have the Rick Grimes look to it. Like the one with you shooting the BB gun. I had one just like that. As for Twilight,it really bugs me. Mainly because vampires don't sparkle when sunlight hits them. In good vampire movies they burn to a crisp or simply explode! I guess I'm not a romantic fellow when bloodsuckers are around.
Those are great pics. Never realized wombats were so big! Saw a koala when I was in Australia. They are mean little buggers!