Yeah just a little lol. And damn that sucks man. I honestly don't think I could do that.
Yeah just a little lol. And damn that sucks man. I honestly don't think I could do that.
Really? There is a ton of awesome games that were announced at E3. I mean Bayonetta dude! Bayo-fucking-netta!
Last I heard it was early 2015. Not entirely sure though.
Unfortunately, I don't own the consoles required to play either.
The Witcher 3 isn't for another 2 years either, unfortunately. Oh well, at least we know these games are coming!
It's like PC gaming but without the benefits. No mods, no indie games, no cheap games, no offline play... I'm thinking the one reason it's online is so that Microsoft can make a fortune off ad revenue on the dashboard.
The thing is that there are actually some damn good looking exclusives on there. I really want project spark, but alas, that shall never be.
Between this and Windows 8, I don't see Microsoft lasting too long. Valve is in the process of converting games so they can be played on linux, and eventually move over to that system almost entirely. That will kill windows for pc gamers straight up, and this will kill their console gaming market.
Bayonetta 2 could very well lead me to buy a Wii U, just like project spark is really tempting me to own an Xbone.
To be fair, this type of stuff has been going on for pc for ages. This seems like the dodgiest case of it though, only giving one character and making you buy the rest. They should learn from games like League of Legends, that give you a rotating roster every week, and if you find someone you really like, then you shell out cash for them, or unlock them.
Saw this announced ages ago. Seems entertaining, if a little pointless.
Unfortunately, with KI the actual dev is pretty shit. Like they mainly make shovelware, and all of their games appear on bottom 10 lists of the years they came out. Hopefully, Rare steps in a bit so they don't ruin this great franchise.
Yes, FFXV looks amazing. I've been looking forward to this game for 3 fucking years, ever since it was announced as versus. Damn it looks sweet!
Infamous is really damn good. I really think you need to catch up on those games, because holy damn they look amazing.