At least a Link Between Worlds is a game I will very likely play often. It won't just be hogging space for nothing. Digital games have their own conveniences, but I certainly prefer physical. Next time I'll double check on a Nintendo bundle!
At least a Link Between Worlds is a game I will very likely play often. It won't just be hogging space for nothing. Digital games have their own conveniences, but I certainly prefer physical. Next time I'll double check on a Nintendo bundle!
Haha to be fair, I felt my wallet's pain when I went to the cash register! I find it to believe I waited this long to get a DS!
Yes I will have more than enough Proffesor Layton for one person!
Well, in all likelyhood, by the time I'm done with Ocarina and A Link Between Worlds the last thing I will probably want to play is a Zelda game. I won't be trying that game for a while.
I watched Trigun at some point last year. Didn't love it, but it was good enough for me to finish it. I thought the animation was great in the first episode and then it dropped off a cliff from there. Haven't watched the movie but I do know that that movie was made specifically because the series was so popular in the States (apparently it bombed in Japan).
I guess Dragon's Milk is a man's beer. I definitely agree that removing sexy time was an attempt of the makers marketing the game more for a mainstream audience.
Well, good to know you got everything sorted out. I myself have recently run into mental health problems leading to a bunch of medications which only made things worse in the beginning. But yeah, that's figured out now... I hope. Good luck with the Master degree!
Considering that's the third comment in a row to recommend Phoenix Wright, maybe that's one worth looking into.
I played a bunch of Mario 3D Land on my nephew's 3DS. I couldn't get into it for whatever reason but it probably has something to do with my preference for 2D Mario. I might have given that Sonic Rush game a try as well. I also want to give a 3DS Etrian a try. So many games!