Yeah, if you pay to play then there is no reason to be dropped. But then again, by now developers know how popular FF is and should be prepared for the numerous gamers that will be playing whether they pay or it's free.
Yeah, if you pay to play then there is no reason to be dropped. But then again, by now developers know how popular FF is and should be prepared for the numerous gamers that will be playing whether they pay or it's free.
GM78: It could've been God of War. That was the game that adjusted for me while I was playing.
Travis: Unlockables are fun and give the game an extra play or replay value but my biggest gripe is when I can not advance in the main story mode of a game( Like PURE) because I can not just make that first place on a certain track. But its all good. Im not mad any more. Thanks to Pixlbit I can holler and rant and releive my stress here and not at my wife hahahaha
KnightDriver. Oh, my friend. I am a big believer in strategy guides
I have ALL the MGS guides. even for the MSX games
Hahahahaha...and I still suck! hahahahaha
GM78: I wish they would all do like God Of War. Once when I was playing a part where Kratos was on a convayer and you have to move a block to a ledge to climb on. the convyer takes you to your death and enemies are hacking ay you too. I tried and tried and could not do it, then suddenly the convyer stopped and I was able to do it. The game knew I couldnt do it so it stopped the convyer.
How hard would that be for developers to add that to their game. ?
Chunopo: I really think they should give us an option...they could even penalize us by not letting us earn throphies....something. I just paid $60 I want to get to enjoy it all. We silverbacks dont get mad often but when we do......Look Out! hahahaha
My pain pills usually make me happy too but for some reason I just seemed to have gotten madder. Of course it could've been the game...hahahaha
asrealasitgets: PW was definitely designed for co-op and that is what makes a single player gamer like me to have such a hard time. But I will get through it and I am now at that Boss that you posted a photo of....Whoa! that thing is a Monster for sure! Hahahahahah. I may take another pain pill for that one ahahahahahaha
Tami: I brought my dog in and played with her awhile and my stress melted away. But sometimes I just need to rant and still...I did not delete my account which would've happened a few years back...hahahaha
Lee: I would've bought this game regardless even had I known there was no easy setting but really, the box should tell you everything is not included unless you can meet a certain set of requirements. But anyway, Im still playing PW and I will finish it. Hahahah my pain pills did most (all) of that rant.