Yeah, it's good to scratch that itch when necessary. I just don't want to cease productivity altogether. ;)
Yeah, it's good to scratch that itch when necessary. I just don't want to cease productivity altogether. ;)
At the very least, it's a unique kind of crowd-pleaser. Cooper's nervous breakdown scene to the tune of Led Zep's "What Is And What Should Never Be" is so memorable.
Well, teenagers aren't always the shining example of proper behavior. Now it's just that small percentage of adults who keep acting that way. There are not more of them; they just have the louder voice.
Video games are still a young medium. I believe one day it will be widely accepted but that's a few more decades down the road at least. A certain generation of people (specifically the critics/naysayers) need to die off as well. ;)
I recall being made fun of in high school because I was known as a movie nut and I made little effort to hide it. That's ridiculous but that's what happened. Whether or not a hobby is widely accepted or not, enjoy it.
We'll see. With Pokemon and Zelda on the horizon, this device will do very well. I love my VIta and there's some really great titles for it in the near future.
Great write-up! Nice gaming rigs, too!
I've only played the SNES and DS versions so I can't judge the PSO version.
It's a strategy Nintendo has used before and they'll clean up this fall. Most people (not just kids) care only about the games and not necessarily the design of the handheld device. It's a good entry-level device. Weird design, though. I don't own a 3DS yet so don't be surprised if I post one day saying that I've bought this model (on a budget, dammit).
High school is a social institution not unlike prison so the advice to fall in with a group is key. It'd be best if they're the kind that will accept you for you are (the feeling being mutual, of course).
I recall that I was a class clown and a bit of an attention whore early on. Resist that temptation. I don't know how big your class is but not everyone is going to think you're funny and that's fine. Eventually I stopped caring about that and acted with more tact and respect and I got along better with people I didn't usually hang out with.
The naysayers will still be there and I just didn't bother with them. I think I could've used that mindset earlier on. The weird thing is that I ran into some of those douchebags during my college days and they acted friendly, like nothing happened. They keep sending me Facebook friends invites. What the hell.
It's a case by case basis. I'll take a look at the achievement/trophy list and if they sound like they're reasonably obtainable, I'll go after it. Most of the time I fail at it. All you have to do is look at my PSN/XBL profile to see that. I may never get a Platinum trophy but I can't say it really matters.
I saw The World's End this afternoon and LOVED it. Best film of the summer. Not sure where I'd rank it within the Cornetto Trilogy but it is easily on par with Shaun or Fuzz.