I bought God of War III day one for full price. I don't do that too much anymore, but I don't regret it at all. I'm such a huge fan of the series I was super hyped for that one.
nice group of games :), the Batman Arkham games are very good too.
I bought God of War III day one for full price. I don't do that too much anymore, but I don't regret it at all. I'm such a huge fan of the series I was super hyped for that one.
nice group of games :), the Batman Arkham games are very good too.
I was messing around on the beginning of Crysis 3 (I always try games out when I first buy them) and it seems pretty awesome. I love how you can walk around a stage and tag all the enemies so they show up on your map
Yea, the ZOE games are pretty awesome. The controls are pretty weird though. Triangle to go UP and X to go down, lol. They are fun though, especially the second one.
That sounds awesome. I am not playing online too much yet. I just defeated the Boom Brothers too (yea I am still at the beginning).
The first Borderlands is really cool, probably one of my favorite games this gen. Playing through the second so far it's more of the same, nothing wrong with that.
I've played through the beginning of SR: The Third and it starts out on a high note. It's really wacky. I hear the second one is really good, it more serious than the third though.
I loved the ZOE games, especially the second one. The first can get on your nerves hearing the kid whining, lol, but its still fun to play. ZOE: The Second Runner is more mature and has some awesome bosses. Definitely recommend.
I bought Dragon Age: Origins for $5 on clearance. It brags on the box about it being by the same makers of Mass Effect, so I figured why not. You think it is? I heard it's more like a Lord of the Rings game.
For sure. I am looking into working for the state or something. I would take a pay cut, but atleast I could presumably be in one spot for the foreseeable future.
That's what I have been hearing about Tomb Raider and Bioshock, was happy to pick them up. I played the demo of MGR and I thought it was mindless fun. As for Dragon Ball Z, I don't expect too much, but it will be a cool distraction.
Yea, Bioshock Infinite made the trip with me this week, so I am definitely going to be playing it soon. It's one of the few games I saw the trailer and knew I was buying it. The first Bioshock was awesome and I never played the second one.
I just bought Borderlands 2 and then they announce the GOTY version, figures. I might sell it and buy the GOTY version because I want all the content in my first shot.