If you're an angry joe fan, I recommend Caddicarus first and foremost. The guy is hilarious.
If you're an angry joe fan, I recommend Caddicarus first and foremost. The guy is hilarious.
Don't think I've looked at your channel. Link please?
Oh ok. I misread that sorry lol.
"very little of the first and next to nothing from the second" That's the line I was referring to.
There are next to no JRPGs on PC. I kind of want one. Also, very little 2D platformers? That genre is so goddamn over saturated I rarely want to play one. They are military shooter of the indie world. And I want a 3D platformer, like crash, or Jak and Daxter, or Ratchet and Clank...
People are way too sensative everywhere, about everything. If you say something even remotely controversial people mark you as spam so they can censor you, as opposed to having a rational argument.
Yeah. Unfortunately I'm not a massive fan of Let's Plays unless they are informative or by Roosterteeth, because those guys are kind of hilarious.
AVGN has made me laugh, yes, but it's more the game making me laugh than James himself.
I don't know about ruling them. Yahtzee is one of the inspirations for my humour but I wouldn't do reviews. Maybe. Idk. I wouldn't want to copy yahtzee regardless, because I doubt I could beat him. Also, my voice isn't anywhere near as glorious as his!
Damn right. It's a broken service that severely needs fixing.
Eh. I'm not a massive GoW fan. I mean, I've finished them all, but I just can't take Kratos seriously. He's a whining bastard who essentially kills things when he doesn't get his own way. He is the very image of entitlement, and he's just kind of annoying.
As for Heavyy Rain, I took the same options as you and I didn't encounter that glitch? That sucks man.