It's a PC without the benefits of PC gaming. No Mod support, no dedicated servers, not steam...
It's a PC without the benefits of PC gaming. No Mod support, no dedicated servers, not steam...
Honestly, I think having a PC is more cost effective in the long run. The initial investment is fucking daunting, but the games are so cheap! I have over 200 games in steam because I get them for between 1-10 dollars! I got Skyrim for 25 bucks... in July last year. The mean draw of consoles is the cheaper initial investment, the fact that you can lend games to your mates, the fact that you buy used games, the fact that you don't have to constantly patch games- oh wait. The Xbox One (shittiest name ever) has none of those.
Fair enough. PC is a great investment, although it has a lot of problems as well.
Check this out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOxdMQhDMIU
It's one of the funniest things I've seen about the xbox. The PS4 one is much funnier though.
Tis a little bit. They'll still have Halo and Forza, which are pretty good selling points, though Epic wants to move back to PC so they might not be exclusive anymore.
Depends if they iterate in any meaningful way. If it's just Halo with prettier graphics, then no, you don't need it. Though 343 seem pretty competant.
The over-complication of consoles last generation lead me to PC, so I fully understand that.
It does seem that way. I think they just get cocky.
It is a shame that they seem to be catering to every demographic EXCEPT core gamers. I'm sure they'll fix it later like Sony did last gen, but jesus christ this launch was bad.
How did I know you were going to use a meme in this argument?
I shall do that from now on. That made me chuckle a little lol.