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Jamie Alston's Comments - Page 45

Who Will Marry Farmer Man Cary?

Posted on 05/04/2015 at 12:23 PM | Filed Under Blogs

You know, at first...I didn't like AVGN videos all that much when I first watch some of them about 2 or years ago.  I would just stumble across them now and then when I was looking for a review of some old retro game.  Out of curiosity, I'd watch a video or two from him, but I was annoyed by his cursing and overall angst toward said game because I thought he was trying to hard to be mean to games that, in some cases weren't even all that bad. "How dare this guy?!", I thought to myself.

Then, one day I saw an AVGN episode that began with showing outtakes from previous videos.  That's when the light bulb went off in my head-- he was just a bit.  I was taking his videos way too seriously and didn't even realize that  he wasn't really being mean for real.  After I saw the outtakes and saw how much he (and his buddy Mike) laughed at his own ridiculousness, it totally changed my opinion of AVGN and I started enjoying his videos with a lighter mood.

I also saw other videos on his channel where he's at a convention panel answering questions from fans and explaining how he came up with the idea for the Nerd's persona and the show itself.  He's actually a cool guy and quite humble.  To me, he didn't come across as the type that was using the cursing just be obnoxious.  It was just part of the ridiculousness of the character of the nerd.  Even so, I still get why you'd be put off by it.  I definitely can't watch his show around the wife (or anyone else for that matter).

So Cary, did you actually go to collage with Sean Baby, or were you just saying that he got his start around the same time as when you were in collage.  In any case, thanks for the background info about him.  I could never figure out why his articles were such a big deal on 1Up back in the day.

Retro Game of the Week: Shadow Dancer

Posted on 05/04/2015 at 12:03 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Dude...I used to loooove watching Samurai Pizza Cats.

Quick Hits: My 2,000th CD, Going To See Avengers, And Links To Check Out

Posted on 05/04/2015 at 12:01 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah, like Matt said, ever since Frank Miller got his paws on Dare Devil back in the 80's (or late 70's), the comic took on a much gritter theme than in the 60's.  Though I agree with you...I was taken aback when Kingpin beat that guy to a pulp (almost literally) and you could hear his brains squishing everywhere.  Kinda ruined the episode for me.

I'm not into that HBO, Showtime level of violence. But to be fair, that doesn't characterize the entire show, and it was perhaps a necesary evil just so viewers get an idea of how brutal and ruthless the Kigpin can be if pushed too far in wrong direction.  Otherwise, I've been enjoying the show thus far.  I think I have 4 or 5 episodes left to watch.

I'm Alive! - An Age of Ultron Impression

Posted on 05/04/2015 at 09:48 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Just saw Age of Ultron yesterday with the Mrs.  I walked away quite satisfied and reassured that the Marvel Cinematic Universe has a lot of life still left in it.  I had no idea Danny Elfman was involved in the musical score.  I'm not super famliar with his past works other then Pee Wee's Big Adventure and Batman (plus the 90's animated series' theme tune).  Nonetheless, I feel like I neede to go back and watch the movie again just to appreciate the music.

Hulkbuster fight scene was impressive.  I remember being worried that the previews had shown me too much (espeically with the H.Buster suit), but I came to find out that I hadn't seen jack until the actual movie.  And yeah, that Stan Lee cameo is now my favorite, and best one they've done so far. I also appreciated that the movie more or less spent equal time with all the Avengers, we got to learn a little more about some of them, yet it never dragged the movie down to slow crawl.  I must say though, looking back on it, I think Hawkeye really made the  movie for me during the last half of the film.  I was quite surprised.

I can see why you may have had a bit of difficulty with James Spader voicing Ultron.  I was kinda bummed when it was first announced because all I could picture was "Red" from the Blacklist (a charcter played by Spader), and I'm just inot his "know-it-all cool guy" persona.  But I think it worked well for a movie adaption of Ultron, and you can tell spader definitely had fun with role and it played well off the other Avengers.  In fact, I personally feel that Ultron was the best villain of the one's we've seen in Phase 2 of the MCU (besides maybe Winter Soldier).  He was a legitamately threatening force and not just some mad-man you already knew was "really just the #2 guy" to the real villain you'll never get to see fight the heros in this movie (I'm looking you Ronin in Gaurdians of Galaxy).

I was suprised by how much I ended up enjoying seeing Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch.  They were more than just secondary characters only there for filler.  And while, yes, Vision's screen time was short, Joss Wheldon still managed not to make him feel like he was just shoehorned into the movie.  The setup for his arrival really helped because there was less that needed to be explained about how he got there.  I loved his character-- he didn't waste time being "lost" and having to find his way in the world.  Really glad they avoided that trope. Dude--I loved the way he earned the team's trust!  As a comic book fan, i had no issues with it.  Definitely one of the coolest moments.  In fact, about half the audience brooke out in applause, others at least laughed with delight. I love when the audience "gets it".  And, like you, I loved his little quip at the end which added a bit more legitamicy to fact of his short screen time.

Overall, I was pleased with the movie, especially considering that it was not based on the Age of Ultron in the comics.  Proves that comic book movie can still be good even if it isn't 100% parallel to the written work.  Definitelty getting this on BluRay.

Retro Game of the Week: Rocket: Robot on Wheels

Posted on 04/28/2015 at 07:26 AM | Filed Under Blogs

This is what I love about going taking a lookk back at older games.  I always discover something I missed.  This looks like a game I would have enjoyed at least somewhat on the N64.

Giving a PSN "friend" the boot in an awkward way.

Posted on 04/28/2015 at 07:23 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Ugh...screw that guy.

It feels like forever

Posted on 04/28/2015 at 07:20 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Dude, I'm reading the 1602 series right now.  I was really surprised by how much I'm enjoying this take on the Marvel Universe.  I love Dare Devil's character so far. I've read issues 1-4.  This week, I plan to finish 5-8.

Daredevil is Amazing!

Posted on 04/14/2015 at 01:37 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I was debating if I would watch Dare Devil a few nights ago. Looks like I should tune it pronto.

1up's story: A prelude into our present!

Posted on 04/03/2015 at 10:36 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Hey Mr. H!  Feels like I haven't seen you around here in forever.  Good to read another article from you :-)

Episode 66: The Great White Buffalo

Posted on 03/23/2015 at 01:14 PM | Filed Under Feature

That Youtube video? Nice.

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