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Jamie Alston's Comments - Page 46

Captain N's 25 Favorite Nintendo Games

Posted on 03/19/2015 at 02:19 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm currently playing through Super Mario 3D World now.  My wife plays with me most of the time.  It's so much fun!

Retro Game of the Week: Namco Museum Vol. 1

Posted on 03/16/2015 at 02:11 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Ah, you beat me to it Snee!  LOL.

Also, I looooved me some Rally X!

Nintendo is Trolling GamerGate

Posted on 03/16/2015 at 02:09 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm down with PuppyGate.  Heck, I just bought a puppy last year...I ought to be down with it.

Humble Bloom County Comic Strip Bundle

Posted on 03/13/2015 at 09:56 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I was a little kid when this was in funnies back in the day.  By that time I knew it as "Outland".  I didn't understand all of the strips, but I always thought Opus was a cool characters.  I also like that crazy cat dude...can't remember his name though.

I was more of a Calvin & Hobbes kid back then.

A New Game Approaches (BaDay 26)

Posted on 02/27/2015 at 11:31 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Cool. I have a review of Super Mario Bros. coming soon.  Your blog just made me think about.  Also, I recently downloaded SMB 1-3 on the Wii U eShop.  Man...I forgot how much I love Super Mario Bros. 2 (not Lost Levels).

Dude, you are going to enjoy Super Mario 64, I think.  It' looks gorgeous on the VC.

Uncharted Roundup

Posted on 02/26/2015 at 08:11 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Funny you mentioned how you didn't remember much about Drake's Fortune.  I also played UNcharted 4 years ago (weeks before I married the wife), and while I did enjoy the game, I also didn't remember too many moments from the game either.

A friend of mine loaned me his copy of Uncharted 2, but it's sat in my pile of shame for at least a year now. I need to just give it back and buy my own copy.  Plus...his didn't have an insturction manial or original case.  I'm kind anal about that stuff.

I had been hearing the Uncharted 3 wasn't that great, but the game goes for arounf $13 new at Game Stop.  It's certainly a tempting offer.  I know I'm going to play it eventually.

Episode 65.5: Catharsis

Posted on 02/24/2015 at 11:52 PM | Filed Under Feature

Everything you just said-- amen brother.

Episode 65.5: Catharsis

Posted on 02/24/2015 at 05:02 PM | Filed Under Feature

Best. Episode. Evaaar.

Julian, I especially appreciated that you opened up about the recent events in your life. Regarding type 2 diabetes, my brother-in-law was diagnosed with it a little over a year ago. He was very down about it for a little bit, but he adjusted his diet and lost some weight. Not sure how many pounds, but it wasn't a dramatic drop in weight. Since then, he hasn't had any issues with diabetes at all-- no need for insulin or worries about sugar intake and stuff like that. I'm confident you will get the mastery over it and you'll recover nicely.

As you were describing the relationship issues you were having, I was metaphorically fanning my eyes to keep the metaphorical tears at bay. At the risk of gushing, I must say that I was very proud of you speaking your peace. I can definitely identify with having trouble telling the difference between a discussion and an argument. I've found that communicating my feelings/misunderstandings/whatever is the hardest thing to do, but also the best antidote to the poison of silence and hurt feelings.

Being on the outside looking in, I can tell you that the best thing about your going through you relationship issue is that you learned something about yourself that you otherwise may never have learned. You now have a better sense of what to do, what not to do, and how to do it. Remember...insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. And you have proven yourself to be quite sane.

Everyone did great in this episode. Looking forward to the next one!

Episode 65: Chatting With Liana K

Posted on 02/24/2015 at 09:33 AM | Filed Under Feature

Okay, a few things.  First, about 10 mintues into the show, I decided that Liana is freak'n awesome. One of my favorite parts was when she piggy backed on the subject of the popularity of 50 Shades of Grey and mentioned how annoying it is when people jump on the "geek" and "nerd" bandwagon for nerd cred.  So fake.  I was just glad it finally got mentioned (albiet briefly) on the show.  Julian...make an episode about fake geeks!!  LOL.

Angelo, I loved the Mega Man X trilogy on the SNES.  One of my best memories from that time.  MM X2 was defintely everything a sequel should be. I my ears perked up when you went in-depth a bit about thought process that goes into trying to figure out which Maverick is the easiest to defeat.

You brought back memories of my older brother and I systematically going through each stage, finally making it to the Maverick Reploid (after dying countless times in the stage itself), just to get our butts handed to us during the boss fight. I also found it interesting that, as someone playing the game for the first time, you found Crystal Snail to be the easiest one to take out with the X Buster.  We always had the hardest time beating him with only the X Buster back in the day.  Maybe I just thrashed around too much back then. Part of the key of defeating him is timing and patience.  For us, it was Wire Sponge was always the first guy we'd defeat because it was easy to hit him with the X Buster...even beter if you could get off a charged shot.

And finally, I enjoyed Angelo's other point about Metroid Prime.  Dude, you hit the nail on head when you mentioned how at first you get completely stuck.  Then you start trying any and everything to get past an obstacle. I loved it when I'd stumble upon a path I overlooked which would lead to a new door i hadn't opened yet. Even if it was just a missle or energy capsule, I still felt encouraged that i found something new and it reinvigorated my motivation and hope of eventually getting to where I needed to go.

And yeah-- it's one of the few games where, at times, I just had to turn it off and go do something else, only to come racing back to play it again later in the evening because I had been brainstorming a few ideas of how to reach that destination on the map finally. ever since it's inclusion in Super Metroid series has made good use of a map because it often indicated where to go, but not necesarily how to get there.  It took sometime, but it also made sense one you figured out what to do.

Anyway, really enjoyed that part of the show in particular. But I had a great time listening to this episode overall.  There wise quite a zen vibe with you guys and Liana.  Get her back on the show at some point!

And now, on episode 65.5...

Don't Trust Creepy Uncle Nintendo Kids! BaD#16

Posted on 02/24/2015 at 07:26 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Congrats on finishing Metroid Prime.  I gotta say though...getting the 12 temple keys isn't nearly as frustrating as the fectch quest you'll be sent on towards the end of Prime 2.

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