That sounds more like a death sentence than a diet but then you can't spell diet without die now can you?
That sounds more like a death sentence than a diet but then you can't spell diet without die now can you?
I really liked Revelations on 3DS once I got to play it on my New 3DS XL. The original 3DS screen was far too small
I also wound up with PS3 and PC versions but never got too far with either. Definitely closer to what I expect from an RE game than 5 or 6.
Go for it. Post away. :)
I hope Valkyria has an option to turn off the ATB as I hate being rushed into making a decision by a timer.
Ever Oasis and Crash are on my list as well. Those 3 Crash games were my wife's favourite games when they came out. I wanna see if I can get her to play again. The last time I was successful it was Mario Kart Wii.
Good review Casey. I've only invested 40 hours in the game so far but I really enjoy playing it when I do. Most of my play time is on weekends in 3 hour sessions. I agree that the relationships aren't well developed and not a patch on Persona 4 but that game set the bar pretty high in that respect.
Needless to say I love pretty much everything about the game but I can't put in much more than those 3 hour sessions because I become exhausted trying to decide what to do next.
My launch model PS3 died a couple of years ago with the yellow light issue. I took it to a place and had it fixed for $100 but that only lasted 6 months and it died again.
I'm now using one with the manual flimsy, slidy lid. Pisses me off that I can't play physical PS2 games on it.
I have a Sega Genesis, Sega Dreamcast, PS2, NES, SNES, N64,Gamecube and Wii in a closet collecting dust. I would love to haul them out again but my wife would complain about the clutter. LOL
Yep, I mentioned the site on FB the other day, glad to hear from you and to know you are doing well.
I have it in physical format for 360 (bought at launch) and digital on Steam so I'm out.
Mario 64. Yep, that's it. Completely blown away by the concept and the levels.