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Blake Turner's Comments - Page 459

Just checking in

Posted on 03/04/2013 at 06:55 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Which is the newest Castlevania? I should replay SoTN...

Just checking in

Posted on 03/04/2013 at 06:54 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I am lazy! I'm a college student, what do you expect? And this is a recent push. I mean it was outlined in the email I read this morning lol. And yeah, you should look at it more often. We're  focusing on games your computer can actually run :p

Just checking in

Posted on 03/04/2013 at 04:31 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Bit.Trip Runner 2 is like 14 bucks, and is definitely worth it. It is on steam too btw.

Wow, just how many 1UPpers are here now?

Posted on 03/04/2013 at 04:15 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Damn Straight we are Jackson. Though I'm theming mine around famous people with the first name peter now :)

Wow, just how many 1UPpers are here now?

Posted on 03/04/2013 at 03:40 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Gabriel, I stalk people from 1up all the time. It gives me thrills in ways nothing else quite manages.

 Also, upon calling you Gabriel and then realising your first name is peter... tehehe

Help Choosing a Poem

Posted on 03/04/2013 at 06:57 AM | Filed Under Blogs

That's what I thought would get it. There are a few lines I'd change in purgatory though...

Help Choosing a Poem

Posted on 03/04/2013 at 04:24 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Damn, everyone loves transparency. Guess I'll choose that one. Thanks guys!

5 Things I'd Rather Do Than Play A New Assassin's Creed

Posted on 03/03/2013 at 06:42 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Greenman, you are many things, but people isnt one of them.

The Greatest Game (and series) Ever

Posted on 03/02/2013 at 11:57 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Sorry, but MGS4 is among the worst games I've ever played. MGS3 is one of the best games I've ever played. The difference? MGS3 lets me play it occasionally. It also has a story of it's own and isn't trying to make 3 completely insane games make sense. And when you have a legitimately awesome ending, you should not follow it up with 22 epilogues that are each more retarded than the last.

5 Things I'd Rather Do Than Play A New Assassin's Creed

Posted on 03/02/2013 at 11:52 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I only play the borderlands games by myself, because fuck other people. The first one was terrible, but the second one is managable.

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