Wha!? Ride The Lighting over ...And Justice For All?
It's all good. Everyone has an album of preference, I just happen to like Justice the best. It's just sad that it was horribly edited and the bass lines are inaudible
Wha!? Ride The Lighting over ...And Justice For All?
It's all good. Everyone has an album of preference, I just happen to like Justice the best. It's just sad that it was horribly edited and the bass lines are inaudible
You forgot Bioshock Infinite!!
It was sooooo good. I can't wait for the DLC (And I can't believe I just said I was excited about DLC, lol)
Both games look interesting, I think a coin flip was definitely the way to go in terms of choosing which to play first!!
I would love to help you, however I have no way or methods to accurately record at the moment. If I had a mixer that I could hook up to a PC and record with though, I would definitely contribute for you!
We're kinda like the Venture Bros...
We have clones made and stored away in the back in case something truly tragic happens during an awful game... lol
Thanks! We did what we could to make a boring game into an entertaining review!
That's how we roll Snee! lol
I tried it once solo, once with my wife, and once with a friend (Who I beat Borderlands 1 with). All three attempts at beating Borderlands 2 have ended in failure for me, lol
Darby channeled the strength of all that is Goro.
It was spectacular, lol
You've never played Aladdin!?
Shame on you Abobo!!!!