The Gamecube Wavebird and Logitechs second effort at wireless PS2
The Gamecube Wavebird and Logitechs second effort at wireless PS2
I don't care what it comes out on just gimme gimme gimme. :D
Yeah I am somewhat familiar with the X-Men but those Genesis graphics aren't the clearest and it was my son who said, "Is that Cyclops, why is he fighting with a stick?" So I went with it. :)
It is really nice. I may even upgrade the ram on my own dime because the video ram is not discrete which is not optimum for playing anything on. LOL But it is after all a business laptop so I shouldn't be doing that anyway.
I love me some Donald Duck. :)
You can get one of the smaller SSDs for well under $100 these days and really all you need is space to install the OS with a bit left over. Here are some sub 100 drives at Tiger Direct. They are mostly 64 GB and there is an 80 in there too. Plently big enough to install windows on which speeds things up considerably
I agree with the not buying crap part. The other part of that sentence is not negotiable. :P
I thought that 4 was the more refined of the last 2 Personas so I agree whole heartedly. I liked the different dungeons rather than the long monotonous Tartarus and I thought the interaction with the characters was deeper. It is one of the few games I was compelled to play through twice in a row and I felt a deep sense of loss after my last playthrough as if I was saying goodbye to a group of friends.
All I can add is "Where the hell is P5?"
I have two copies, 1 disc and one digital because I'm an idiot. I haven't played either.