You'll have a log of back catalog to catch up on Sidd. and that's a good thing.
You'll have a log of back catalog to catch up on Sidd. and that's a good thing.
All the best, hoping everything goes well for you.
I don't think the Vita is going anywhere. It's not a stupid idea like the PSP Go was. It just needs time and a price reduction to take off. I still want one.
I joined but keep in mind that my son also uses my account as christhemighty. I created the main account which is Athantos.
I bought this ages ago and got stuck on the reassigning the directions puzzle at the beginning. Well it's always there if I ever have time for it.
Welcome. I really enjoyed my time at 1Up but since many of the same people are here it really takes the edge off.
I went to see K.K. at the club last Saturday night and if you sit and listen to a song he gives you the music to play on whatever musical contraption you have at home.
I have a turntable. :) He'll play more than one song for you if you tell him your mood but apparently you only get music for the first one.
This game sounds really interesting and why haven't I heard of it before? Thanks.
While I have consumed a few Red Stripes in my life and found them okay on a hot day, I shy away from any beer with the word "light" in it's name.
I just finished a Cameron's RPA (Rye Pale Ale) and found it very tasty. Cameron's is a Canadian company that happens to make some decent beers.
I really like that you do these beer reviews though, being the beer lover that I am. :)
How many times must I tell you to make sure you wear your Depends when you play these games? They absorb that irritating wetness and allow you to continue unabated. :)
I have Half Life, I should play this.