So, if I'm reading this correctly, you pay full price for a game that contains next to nothing, but they expect you to buy a ton of DLC in order to make it a complete package?
Man I didn't even buy this game and that pisses me of!
So, if I'm reading this correctly, you pay full price for a game that contains next to nothing, but they expect you to buy a ton of DLC in order to make it a complete package?
Man I didn't even buy this game and that pisses me of!
I've said it before, but I would really hate to be Tim Schaffer right now. That guy has a lot of responsibility he inherited with all those $$'s Double Fine's campaign got. I agree with all of this, and I've said similar things on occasion.
I had, and still have to an extent, a certain apprehension to all of this. There's over 3 million dollars that gamers handed to someone and "do something awesome, no strings attached" with literally no guarantee what so ever that he would turn out something that would actually interest them. We have no clue where this money is going at all, and no way to track it. That's kind of scary.
Oh that is awesome. They sound really good!
I've never been a Peter Molyneux fan either, and I've never bought a single Fable game. He makes the most incredible claims every time he speaks and never comes close to backing thim up, but everybody loves him for some reason. I just find it irritating to no end.
If I had been in this 'cast instead of Julian, I would have said the exact same thing he did every time he spoke. Seriously. It must be a gaming generation gap type thing.
Also that band at the end sounds like The Red Hot Chili Peppers.
I hate to out myself here, but I could never figure these, or the other "gold box" games out. I blame my JRPG upbringing for that. I'd love to really understand how to play them since they're so highly reguarded.
Yeah, I found it unbelievable myself, that's why I put so many links in the article. It is, unfortunately, legit.
I'm willing to bet Gamestop and the publishers came to some sort of an arrangement over this. Perhaps Gamestop gets the pass at a discounted rate as long as they purchase it for every used copy sold, or something like that.
This isn't the first time this happened either. The Catwoman DLC for Batman: Arkham City also came with used copies of the game sold at Gamestop for a little while.
OK, first, it was foolish to bet people's jobs on a metacritic score, and second, this may be the dumbest thing I've heard of for a bonus. There's no benefit to the bottom line for a metacritic score. Why would a financial bonus be contingent on something that isn't, oh I don't know, financial? Why on earth wouldn't they base the bonus on sales figures or income generated?
That video cracked me up.