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Halochief90's Comments - Page 49

Raging over a number: Game scores and the deeper issue

Posted on 09/23/2013 at 06:05 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I was thinking of trying a Dynasty Warriors game about a year ago, but the reviews make it hard to determine which game to start with. Many reviews I have read will say the newest title is marginally improved from the last one, but they will give it a lower score than the previous game. Does that mean the last one is better or just better if I already played that one? Beats me!

Sunday Blues and Etrian Odyssey Untold

Posted on 09/23/2013 at 12:53 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Hey, thanks to portables even gamers can go outside and still play something. Now you can even play Wii U in an airport if you don't mind packing the whole system.

Iron Sky looks pretty different. Can't tell exactly what it's going for, but I can say this wouldn't be made in America.

Gaming Can Be Bad For You!

Posted on 09/23/2013 at 12:44 AM | Filed Under Blogs

The computer is pretty problably the worst addiction of them all. I don't know how many hours get sucked away on this thing.

Gaming Can Be Bad For You!

Posted on 09/23/2013 at 12:42 AM | Filed Under Blogs

13 hours a week sounds fair. Though that's still probably more than me for most weeks. 35 hours a week for TV though? Sounds sketchy. I always take statistics with a grain of salt as they are almost always reported as "fact" even though they rarely ever are specific about how the data was gathered and done with a very limited sample size.

The First Game I Ever Played...

Posted on 09/22/2013 at 02:29 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Nice cover! I also have fond memories of the original Sonic and I still enjoy today. I can't remember the first game I played. Apparently, I played games when I was 2, but I can only remember back to age 4.

Gaming Can Be Bad For You!

Posted on 09/22/2013 at 02:21 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I checked and it is on Netflix. I do have an adversion to Second Life as the game looks so awful from everything I've seen. Regardless, the subject matter is interesting so I might check it out.

Raging over a number: Game scores and the deeper issue

Posted on 09/21/2013 at 10:09 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I think one of the reasons gamers get so upset over review scores is because for some reason they can't realize that these reviews are subjective, not objective. Just because a game has amazing graphics, a good story, well-balanced and deep gameplay does not automatically make it a great game in the eyes of everyone. Then there's the fact that most are just knee-jerk reactions who haven't even played more than a few hours of the game. It is the internet though so maybe I can't expect anymore!

Gaming Can Be Bad For You!

Posted on 09/21/2013 at 09:48 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I do think that games, especially MMOs, tend to bring out the addictive side in people more than books and movies usually do. However, for 99% of people that never becomes a major problem. The problem is people tend to stereotype gamers as basement dwellers which again is such a small amount of actual gamers (or readers/movie fans, etc.).

Gaming Can Be Bad For You!

Posted on 09/21/2013 at 09:41 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Indeed. Through the years things l have realized I'm not the hardcore gamer I was as a teenager. Every once in a while though a game comes along and that makes me forget that.

Gaming Can Be Bad For You!

Posted on 09/21/2013 at 09:38 PM | Filed Under Blogs

At least you are not in denial like I was!

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