Posted on 10/04/2013 at 10:16 AM
| Filed Under Blogs
So even if the kid likes minecraft and was trying to emulate the game...YOU DON'T LEAVE FIREARMS WITHIN REACH OF YOUR KIDS! This guy is a perfect example of people who are not fit to have children. Not only was he irresponsle with a gun, he also just demonstrated to his kid that if you do something stupid and wrong just pass the blame along instead of being a man and admitting you did something stupid and wrong. I think one of the worst trends I have notice as of late is this attitude of zero accountability. No one is resposible for their mistakes its always someone esles fault, just pass the buck. If you fucked up man-up and deal with the consequenses. Sigh, sorry about the rant response but this kind of stupid shit just really pisses me off.