Posted on 02/09/2016 at 09:24 PM
| Filed Under Blogs
Very nice. I still have my Wii next to my Wii U, they make such a cute couple I could not seperate them.
Very nice. I still have my Wii next to my Wii U, they make such a cute couple I could not seperate them.
Yeah, Attack of the show. She was way hotter then.
Is that Olivia Munn? I liked her better when she was on AoTS on G4 TV.
Yay! Sqweee! What, to much?
Extremely nice guys. They even run their merchandise booth, try getting snotty Metallica to do that.
Sure, get your folk on!
Truely Sir! You are a force of nature!
Yeah, I learned that long ago. I think most of Fallout is about missions anyway.
I downloaded it but haven't touched it yet.Maybe I will check it out today.
What the Hay! Bronze for a tuff Boss? I demand a recount!