Fair. I think I maybe should Have upped the brightness for the dark souls one a bit though.
Still haven't really played okami. I need to remedy that.
God of war gets a lot better after the but your at. Like... So much better. It also gets easier as you go on. It has a reverse difficulty curve which I dislike.
Also, don't worry about stats. Armour level is all that matters. Even if it says it has lower cool down or damage resist or whatever it'll actually have more because it's a higher level and that stuff only matters if it's the same level.
The story in that game is really quite good. I have a lot of problems with that game (I wish I could move the camera independently of where kratos is looking for a fucking start and the loot system is dogshit, not to mention the lack of a jump button or how fucking slow climbing is and how much of it you have to do) but I liked it a lot overall.
Thanks! May I ask what the reasons are? And yeah master chief and doom marine look rather similar.
Congrats! I love this site so much, thank you for fostering this amazing community. Your reviews recently have been really awesome and I'm glad they'll keep going. I should write more for this site. Do reviews and such. I haven't really done anything since becoming a member of staff. It's difficult to blog or write articles when all you have is a phone, but hopefully the new version of the site will make it easier. I've been working on a piece about how Soulsborne has become less experimental over the years and as such less interesting to me. Maybe I should make it an actual article rather than a blog.
Also here's my newest piece.
9 is actually dark souls. I was just joking because you mentioned a dark souls clone so I threw out another one.
The resident evil one is based on the alternate cover for it which I always loved.
With the helmet stuff it was mainly just working out how to distort it right and make adding filters and doing lighting on that specific part to make it look like a reflection rather than just a copied image.
I'm still learning so the early ones like the horizon and kingdom hearts one were just messing around with mirror tools and colours but I'm starting to learn more from the program like cutting images and placing them over other images, inserting shadows manually and stuff like that.
3) resident evil 4
6) silent hill 3
9) lords of the fallen :p
Thanks. Katamari took the most time and effort to do overall. Or the doom one because putting the reflection in the visor was annoying as fuck to do.
Thanks! Yeah it's a lot of fun!