hahaahahah thanks Cary, better to laugh than cry!
hahaahahah thanks Cary, better to laugh than cry!
Im not giving up just yet...but so frustrated!
No...you can not squeeze by it.
Old is good. Gray hair is a sign of intelligence....!
Jonathan: Yep, they keep reference back to this game and now it all makes sense...or does it? hahahahahah
Joe: Me too. I've probably used the cardboard box more in this game than in all the previous MGS games combined! What I dont find in this game I expect to find in MG2.
Tami: yep, Im staying indoors in my bedroom with a window A/C. That's why Im playing my PS2 all the time, my PS3 is in a room thats a little too big to cool off. Unless you try for everything in MGS, you can beat it in one sitting or a good weekend at the least.
Looks like a fun interesting game. The only point and click game I can remember playing is Back To The Future but I never got far into the game.
Aaron: I rarely used the cigs for the laser beams. but now that you mention it, Snake has cigs in this game and I already had them, I just didnt think to use them. I also heard the Nintendo changed the game a little when it released it for the NES.. I also remember Hideo Kojima wasnt pleased with the NES version either.