I'm waiting for a price drop before I give this game a try. Of course the minute I buy it, it'll probably become PS+ next freebie game.
I'm waiting for a price drop before I give this game a try. Of course the minute I buy it, it'll probably become PS+ next freebie game.
The quotes for today = hilarious.
I haven't seen Rush yet, but I've heard good things (as you can see I don't watch a lot of movies)
Sorry about your family but I really feel bad for their kids. This has to be tough for them. If anything keep strong for the little ones.
I like that 3DS XL but I just bought one, and I can't justify buying another one...if I had the extra cash I would be all over it.
I like those game inspired signs. I just click on their page and I like the wooden token certificates. Awesome idea!
I like the timer idea, because I tend to stick with one game a little too long.
Sorry man, I had to skip some of your blog because I haven't played it, and I didn't want to run into any accidental spoilers
HAHAHA the Panda almost got away. Thanks for posting and getting some crazy laughs out of me!
Sorry I'm late, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Wow 8 hours for an upload that isn't really happening. I would have dropped a ton of combinations of cuss words at that point. When it's up and running, let us Pixlbit folks know!
Do your thing! Major props for getting back into bellydancing, and the minute someone tells you can't, you do it, and then kick them out of your life!