I think it would be a nice addition. I watch all sorts of video on my iPad each day. Everything from news to game trailers. Video podcasts are a fave of mine,too. I feel video content would enhance an already great site.
I think it would be a nice addition. I watch all sorts of video on my iPad each day. Everything from news to game trailers. Video podcasts are a fave of mine,too. I feel video content would enhance an already great site.
Yeah,that is pretty good come to think of it.
I picked this game up a couple of months ago,but have not started on it. I should have,after reading what you think about it. The battle system sounds incredible and fun. I had not read much about this game before I bought it. Just went with my gut on that. Thanks for writing such a great review about it. May start it this weekend now.
The Bandit brand would sell great at K-Mart. They could shelve it right next to the Martha Stewart kitchen stuff. I think the staff at their factory is either high or very drunk! Would explain the lack of quality I think.
Backlog is a big problem in my gaming room. I'm off this weekend and I'm taking on Bayonetta,Assassin's Creed 3,and Halo 4. About half way through on those. Still need to play some Borderlands 2. Your job sounds like you get to be sort of artistic in a way. New Orleans is one of the few major American cities I've not been to. May talk my wife into a trip there at some point this year. Is it a fun town to live in?
The cloaking ability is awesome and it does make things so much easier. You're using your brain where most just go in guns blazing. Kudos!
Those are some good pics of you. I've stood on that very spot....I remember looking at Johnny Depp's star. You do look like a combo of the two actors. They are both decent looking fellows so that's a good thing!
Glad I'm not the only person who dislikes it. Makes me want to carve my cerebellum out of my skull with a dull butter knife. It seems like just a loop of sonic noise and feedback.
Lots of people pass on Saint's Row because they say it's a GTA knock off. But I think they try many things that are truly unique to that game. And usually it turns out good.
If it is anything like the last one it will be fun. Just a silly,silly game that makes fun of everything and is over the top crazy.