this is a great RPG and thanks to a fickle market can now be found fairly cheaply on-line. Amazon.CA has it new for 20 bucks along with both Digital Devil Sagas. Well worth the investment.
this is a great RPG and thanks to a fickle market can now be found fairly cheaply on-line. Amazon.CA has it new for 20 bucks along with both Digital Devil Sagas. Well worth the investment.
no Joe Devil Summoner is action based not Nocturne.
I still have a "fat" PS2 that works. I've had two but the first one didn't die. Somehow after having mine for a year or so I was able to trade it for the "on line" pack, the one that came with the ethernet adapter and ATV Off Road Fury 2 (a game I never played).
After I got my PS3 I handed it down to my son and it still works to this day.
I've purchased my share of used PS2 games that came in the original packaging but lack the manual. I haven't gone as far as buying one disc only but I do have a couple of PS1 games in that condition mainly because like you I wanted to play the game and could not find it in better condition.
I have that one for ps3. I should get around to it sometime . I'll reserve the vita version just in case.
OK, now I remember you saying something about that back on 1UP. Glad it worked out though. :)
Lost your collection. That really sucks. How did that happen? If you've already blogged about it I didn't get the memo. :)
ED still has PAC MAN so YAY!
Rogue Moogle on the loose! LOL
There's also very little chance of a ED sequel or remake but then I am the patron moth of lost causes. :)
What about Eternal Darkness Ben?