Yes there is a time sink invoived but I find the end result rewarding. It's almost like a grown up Pokemon for me. I love seeing how much of the compendium I can complete and creating demons with no weaknesses and crazy powers.
Yes there is a time sink invoived but I find the end result rewarding. It's almost like a grown up Pokemon for me. I love seeing how much of the compendium I can complete and creating demons with no weaknesses and crazy powers.
It's generally because each separate series of games plays differently with only most of the demon compendium, mythology, demon fusing, items and magic staying the same.
That's actually what keeps it interesting for me.
If you make the right choices and do the appropriate grinding/demon fusing Nocturne is not that bad for the most part. Only certain boss battles and the entire end game are really hard.
I didn't finish the epilogue on P3 FES either. I really should but the beginning of it left me depressed so I stopped playing. You definitely should play through Persona 4 to the end. It is well worth it.
DDS 1 and 2 are two parts of the same story. They really do need to be played together or close enough together so that you can remember what happened in part 1
Nocturne is a long grind but an interesting story. As I've mentioned the final gauntlet of boss battles which differs depending on your choices gets controller throwing hard.
I'm trying to finish Strange Journey for the 3rd time. I'm still not a fan of everything but the dungeon crawls being played out in still pictures and menu choices but I want to find out how it ends.
and now a real comment.... I like the way you've divided up PMs and blog comment notifications.
Never mind. I didn't scroll down far enough
Something strange has happened to my notifications. It says I have 11 but when I open it there are none.
Excellent article. Very informative.
I would like to play one of these games if I ever see them again.
I'd love to trade my launch 3DS for an XL but I can't afford the additional expense. I bought Luigi's Mansion yesterday and it looks really good so far. I just wish I had a biggers screen to play it on.