Oh and if you are looking at the list in some cases Amazon has forced me to list Black label games under a picture of a Greatest Hits version. That's why I always specify in the condition comments.
Oh and if you are looking at the list in some cases Amazon has forced me to list Black label games under a picture of a Greatest Hits version. That's why I always specify in the condition comments.
Only another 550 to go. :( I don't want to but we need the money.
I would except that I'm trying to make money off them. Shipping cost to the States is prohibitive and shipping to Canada is a crapshoot. I've been charged 10 bucks in some cases to ship an N64 cartridge (no case) or a double PS1 case.
I try to keep my prices within reason but if I can't make a profit there's no point in selling them.
Here's the link to my page. I'm almost finished listing my PS2 collection
My picture of that watch makes it look a lot cooler than it really is. Someone might buy it though. I found the soundtrack disc to go along with the watch and the playing cards today. The playing cards are a bit of a let down. They're just ordinary playing cards. Only the jokers have little anime witches on them. The face cards are just ordinary face cards.
I used to keep everything but due to cash flow problems I'm selling a collection of over 700 games. I just listed 50 PS2 games on Amazon.ca today.
I'm looking for places to buy games cheaply and sell because it may be the only income I have for a while. EB isn't good anymore and any used game dealers already have the price pegged so there's no margin in buying from them.
I have the PS2 version of second runner. I only played it for an hour or so but it was fun. From talking to others I hear it is a big improvement over the first one.
I've been turning off my 3DS in Fire Emblem for the same reason as you. I'll be going along perfectly doing all the right things and then 1 mistake and 3 archers converge on my axe wielder and kill him.
He's definitely smiling. Someone at an EB Games gave him to me for no particular reason. Someone currently has one listed on Ebay for $102 so he's not going in the garbage.
Happy Birthday part deux!
Oh was that Sonic Colors for the Wii or DS? The Wii game is actually quite good, you should play it.
Yep no Foghorn, no Road Runner and no Marvin. Nothing I have read suggests they ever existed either