It is exclusive to 3DS.
It is exclusive to 3DS.
Probably in rehab for his sex addiction. He shows up in a repeated scene in the first two episodes where he is being experimented on. His entire output is screaming while they do their stuff and yelling "Scully". Then he's gone and Agent John Doggett takes his place.
Lots of frustrating battles in that one. There's one in particular where you can't put in a healer because the boss will target them until they are dead (usually in one or two turns). Gotta use tanks only and hope for the best.
I have both of those games and have not touched either. I really should.
I may play Firewatch at some point. I have so many other games in the genre I need to play though.
My life is deleting spam from this place. Sometimes 3 times a day. :) Yes I got your reports and they were funny, But the scumbags who spam hoping to get credit card info off innocents isn't.