the "piece of furniture" as we call it was left in the house by the previous owners because it was too heavy to lift. It's missing bits but it has served as storage for a long time.
the "piece of furniture" as we call it was left in the house by the previous owners because it was too heavy to lift. It's missing bits but it has served as storage for a long time.
It's like an Archaeological dig 'round here, only for game related artifacts. :D
I love the mugs but they are so frikkin' impractical. Take a look at this side view of Wile E. and tell me this would ever get used for drinking your morning coffee
LOL. I have since removed the threat. The den and kitchen are upside down right now.
Mega Man gives this blog the thumbs up. Funny you should post this blog at exactly the same time as I found this guy. :)
We're in the process of helping my daughter pack and during that process I'm finding all the game stuff I have laying around which includes a bunch of soundtracks.
I found my copy for the Donkey Kong 64 Soundtrack which I had forgotten we had. DK Rap anyone. LOL
Holy crap! Glad You're ok.
Great blog. I've never had any problems with NES controllers but now I know where to look if I do. I've had lots of broken Dual Shocks and N64 controllers. You know the kind that try to help out by automatically moving your character to the right while you aren't touching the controller and making it impossible to choose anything from the menu because it is constantly switching choices?
I'm glad you qualified that with "depends on the game" Fishing in Nier was a whole lot of swearing and cursing for me.
Congrats, enjoy every second you can while they are still little. Once they become teenagers you'll be counting the days until they move out. Mine are in their 20's and I'm still waiting. LOL