There's Emma Watson...and some words
Can't wait to read about your reviews.
There's Emma Watson...and some words
Can't wait to read about your reviews.
Ahh gotcha. That's happened to the DirecTV folks here a couple of months ago during football season. They couldn't carry CBS for a week. Thank goodness I'm on cable!
That's a small class!
Hell yeah with Guacamelee! The Sonic game is a lot of fun, but I admit I put it on mute and just listen to my iPod.
Good to know there are good people out there willing to help others. Blowouts are no joke, especially on the highway.
I always thought because it had Microsoft CE and it could read burn discs natively. Of course reading the burn discs were probably its downfall as well, but dang it has a strong homebrew community.
And the midi version of Spy Hunter! No matter where you go that sound of random game music, flashing lights, and tons of people, that was the arcade!
Oh that feeling of the special controls with arcade cabinets, that added to the game, and I agree about controllers just are not the same.
Marble Madness, Ice Hockey, and 1942...three big games that I loved on the NES.
Interesting. I like how a lot of these schools are placing content online. I used to browse through iTunes U to see what colleges offered.
Clearance candy is the best candy!
I don't get why NBC or PBS is bundled into the cable. It's like they want you to use the online streaming...well played NBC.
I say share some clearance candy with that girl in class. Heck ask her out. If she says no, no big deal, keep it moving, if she says yes, you get a date and clearance candy.
Oh cool. I've heard from some folks that it's better on the 360, but if there really isn't any problems I might just stick with getting ME3 on PS3.
Heck yeah going back to the park! Good stuff. As for the 3 mile walk, that has to be one happy and tired dog. Along with the gaming, sounds like you had a full plate of activities!