Glad to see your game is coming together Ben! You'll have to hit me up whenever the running demo is ready and I'll attempt to give it a try!
I only say attempt because my personal PC is crap and may not be able to run it.. Ugh.. lol
Glad to see your game is coming together Ben! You'll have to hit me up whenever the running demo is ready and I'll attempt to give it a try!
I only say attempt because my personal PC is crap and may not be able to run it.. Ugh.. lol
I've heard great things about the game, and I plan on getting to it as soon as I wrap up my Uncharted phase!
And thanks! I can't wait to get my hands on a copy! Even if we dont' receive a review copy, I plan on buying it on release and plowing through it asap!
Post a soundclip or I'm calling bullshit on this exclaimation.. lol
Castlevania, Bloody Tears.
It's a beast, but it's damn good!
That's pretty badass man, good job!
Simpsons Arcade or Xmen. Both contain quality childhood memories for me!
Dude.. They're sick.. and those Blast Beats on the drums, damn!
I'm definitely digging them, thanks for the post man!!
I can't believe they are still pumping out DLC for this game. Way to go Gearbox!!
I thought last year was big for games, but this year is doing pretty nicely as well.
As for the must haves, I think I'll be able to hold out until Dark Souls II comes out next year. Overall, there's really not too much that is coming out this year that I must have right away.
Whoa.. No Lost Odyssey?
We may have to rumble over this list.... LOL