I like that! The barbed wire around a brain could indicate that path is taken.
I like that! The barbed wire around a brain could indicate that path is taken.
Seems like everything is turning into shooters these days. Like they decided no one has any patience for stealth or exploring. Scaring people is not easy these days,either. We have become so jaded by the horrors of the real world we are now immune to spooky stuff.
Are you at all surprised my favorite football team in Europe is the Celtics? Not the greatest team out there,but I like em. Straight outta Glasgow! How did that octopus throwing get started? Saw it on TV one time and was curious. That Fast and Furious game might be worth it for 40 bucks. Why can't the mayhem ever match Burnout Paradise? Even I excel at that one. Do you think they would have enough ladies around to keep Tiger interested in joining The Avengers? Notice where he is standing there....yeah,it's on! Going to see Iron Man 3 on Saturday and really look forward to it. Pepper Potts is just impossible to not like. She's cute,funny,and tough as nails.
And playing their stupid dub-step music! I hate that stuff. You know some idiot somewhere told them to do it to distract your enemies. Just makes me want to put them down even harder. I mute those fools very quickly.
I had to think on this one a bit. Thought of Midgar,but it is grimy in most parts. Columbia would be cool if not for the racism and stuff. But I would have to go with Borderlands. Just the right mix of high tech and primitive things. Interesting people to talk with and cool vehicles to run around in. The weapons are a real plus,too. I think I could fit right into such a place.
I guess being naked helps you get past that dragon. Worked for you,so clever thinking I say! Good video with funny commentary,too.
Cute couple indeed. Lovely photo of you and your wife. As for Crysis,I can sympathize with you. I kicked my butt when I played it on PC. But damn it looks good! I want to download it onto my 360 and try it there. Heard it looks better somehow. Rodney is right about Image Shack. It is really easy to use and makes me feel like a pro with photos.
I'm a sneaky bastard....always packing something sharp and pointy. I'm talking about blades,mind you.
You had a great idea on this,Rodney. I'm glad some folks joined in on it. Good to see what everyone looks like. Makes it more interesting to put their words to a face somehow.
I sorta have a Hugo Weaving thing going on there. He always looks pissed off! Maybe it's cause I'm at work. I try to smile when dealing with my patients so I don't scare them.