I never played this (or the NES version) but it doesn't sound like I'm missing much lol. I might try to watch that movie if it's on Netflix. The premise seems too ridiculous not to.
I never played this (or the NES version) but it doesn't sound like I'm missing much lol. I might try to watch that movie if it's on Netflix. The premise seems too ridiculous not to.
I was happy to see Guacamelee go on sale. I need to get a wireless receiver for my Xbox controller before I can play it though. It doesn't seem like a game that would be easy to play on a keyboard. Oh, and I tried using my generic controller on Brutal Doom. It works. I imagine yours would too. That mod has so many options it's ridiculous.
The last time I tried to play Skyrim on PS3 it had to download a 655 MB update. Then the game loaded twice, I killed a dragon, and it froze up lol. That was enough for me to be done with that buggy piece of trash.
There is a new Yoshi's Island that's supposed to come out in march on 3DS. Journey to Silius is hard as hell. I never could make it far in that game. It has some awesome music though.
I'd say so. I think Quake 4 runs off the same engine. So it feels kinda similar. It has much more emphasis on action though, and there's some really cool stuff like piloting giant mechs, tanks and what not. I will probably review it when I'm done with it. I don't know what else to talk about right now anyway lol.
Yeah. That's what I figured. I haven't given up on Hexen yet. There's just a billion other games to play lol. Perhaps when Brutal Hexen comes out (fingers crossed!) I'll be more motivated to try it again.
Im really loving my new PC. I'm currently playing Brutal Doom II and Quake 4 again. It's been so long since I played that. It definitely seems more like a modern FPS in comparison to the other Quake games. I'd say it's better than Doom 3 though. Hopefully we can play something together soon.
Hellraid is like Heretic? Hmmm. I'll have to keep an eye on that one. As usual I don't know any games on your list lol. That doesn't stop me from leaving lame comments like this though.
Sunset Overdrive looks pretty cool. I missed out on Gears since I've never owned a Xbox. This is a dumb question... but, did they ever release those games on PC?
I bought a Sony Walkman mp3 player mostly because of iTune's horrid interface. I couldn't figure out how to do crap on there, and was too lazy to care lol. Good luck with your new diet Joe.
My brother met his wife through Ragnarok lol. True story. He played that crap for like 10 years. I'm sorry if I mentioned that already. My memory is horrible sometimes.