Love those Highlander movies. And those effects when one of them got their head lopped off! The Clan McLeod has their own damn sword now due to that film. Looks cool as hell,too.
Love those Highlander movies. And those effects when one of them got their head lopped off! The Clan McLeod has their own damn sword now due to that film. Looks cool as hell,too.
My doctor is the same height as me and says the ideal weight for us is 220. He weighs 220! Imagine that,just a coincidence,you suppose?
I have to don the kilt a few times a year just to call myself a proper Scot. I have 3 swords,which I may take some pics of for a future blog.
I know I'm gonna love this movie. I like anyhting Baz Luhrmann does usually,but with a great cast like that you can't lose. Carey Mulligan is gorgeous and a fine actress as well. Loved her in Drive. My wife does not like DiCaprio,at all,so I will probably end up seeing it myself! She liked Moulin Rouge and likes musical movies,but I know I'll never talk her into this one. She wants to go see Iron Man 3 and Star Trek:Into Darkness.
Epic Beard!!!! Everyone around here seems to rock the facial hair. I'm jealous! Tried it once and ended up looking like Charles Manson...not good at all! But your is rather stylish. Good to see what you look like. Yargz is right,you do resemble Opie. He's a badass and a handsome devil,so that is meant as a compliment I assure you.
They are going to play Rocklahoma this Memorial Day weekend! Too bad I have to work. I'm going to miss out on seeing The Sword as well. I'm sure that Steel Panther will do "Fat Girl" and "Girl From Oklahoma",it's only fitting. The crowd will love it! I'll bet your idea on the game is good,but you have to keep it under wraps I'm sure.
It sure would. Anyone who has heard the King Diamond album "Them" would agree. It plays out just like a horror film. Sounds,voices,the works....spooky! I found out their drummer at that point was Mikkee Dee,who now plays drums in Motorhead. Hope I get a chance to see King Diamond live at some point here.
Great pics! You look like Ian Astbury from The Cult in the one shot. He tended to look like a gay pirate in their early days. Like the blood soaked zombie shot as well. I'm the same way about facial hair...just does not quite do it for my face. Bilby looks great as a zombie,too. Nice "red wings" you display in the one pic!
The greatest motivational speaker of all time,that guy. Unlike him,I am not "thrice divorced" fortunately. Who the hell could afford that? Losing weight is a constant challenge,even though I go to lengths to do so. Gave up soda,sugar[I use stevia now],and rarely drink anymore. Except for beer at concerts,maybe. It's still pretty tough to do. Best of luck to you in your efforts on that front.
Yeah,some online players give me grief because they think I'm trying to be a smartypants of perhaps a "smart ass" if you will. It's just my last name,but you can't convince them!