Heh...that's just what I said above before I read your comment. Great minds, man.
Heh...that's just what I said above before I read your comment. Great minds, man.
I feel your pain man. Yeah, it was especially bad before Sony changed the icon to reflect the Japanese version. I really think this game was better off just not being released at all if they couldn't work out the emulation issues in the US version.
I am soooo temped to get it, but I hear it's super slow paced.
Good job sticking with it for this long dude. Lord knows it ain't easy. The wife are coming up on our 4th year of marriage this January. You're an inspiration to us all.
Nice work! I love it.
I too purchased FF Anthology some years ago and never played it. I decided to get it once it got re-released for $20 which was a steal at the time considering that the original anthology ran for $70+. I'm waiting for the right time to crack the anthology open.
Unfortunately, the music from OCRemix is blocked here at work. Man, I wish I could hear it right about now. Not sure if I'll have time to check it out when I get home. Thanks for sharing though.
That makes 3 of us. LOL!
I used to be heavy into this one podcast back 2007 or 2008-ish called "Infendo Radio". I hung on for close to a year I think, but eventually fell off the wagon. Since then, podcasts just really didn't catch my fancy. I sometimes listened to Retronauts on 1Up if the subject was interesting, but sometimes they seemed kinda snooty and bored with their jobs.
So when I came over to Pixlbit last year I wasn't too interested in checking out Podcasts. But I eventually started listening to some of them, and I noticed that something kept drawing back to NWP in particular. Maybe by the 3rd episode I tuned into, it hit me-- "These guys are interesting and talk about stuff that actually matters to me!" Personally, I enjoy the fact that your subjects may not always be directly game-releated, but you find a way to figure in gaming into the show somehow anyway.
Bravo guys. Here's to another 50.
Awesome Cary. :-)
You know...I never play the Adventures of Lolo until more recently, but I found it hard to get into. I think my interest just wasn't there. I hear they are great game though.
Funny thing-- I played through MGS3 and never saw the Ape Esape mini-game. Not sure what i need to do to unlock it, if anything. But I definitely prefere to more whimsical type of game out there. I think Kirby's Dream Land was the first really light hearted game I played back in the day. That's what made me aware of that genre of game.