Fantasy Life will suck you in like nothing else.
Fantasy Life will suck you in like nothing else.
Most rational human beings wonder what the fuck the Republican Party was thinking and who the hell are the imbeciles who are voting for that walking pile of orange shit. I dropped my car off for an oil change this AM and got harangued by the guy that owns the garage about Hillary being a crook and on and on and on. I wanted to ask him what he thinks, as the father of two daughters, about voting for a rapist, but just changed the subject. I like Rich, but he's one of those people who has never left the area he was born in and has no fucking clue what the bigger picture is (or that there is a bigger picture).
I did my civic duty and voted for the least scary of the candidates first thing this morning. I think I prefer "Business as usual" to "Probable Armageddon with a side of rape" thank you very much. And while I wait for the polls to close and the votes to be counted, I am doing my best to keep my anxiety in check.
As for the Tales series, I liked Zestiria, but I would recommend Tales of Symphonia as a starting game. Xillia was also good, but for an intro to the series, definitely Symphonia.
That's sweet that Amy likes to get you games. Best Valentine's Day gift Jason ever gave me was one of the DQ games, whichever one had the Slime plushie as a pre-order bonus.
I loved Bandit, but he was a difficult dog with many issues stemming from having been abused. Beau is a much easier dog with fewer issues. And he's keeping me active, which is a good thing!
Oh, that dog! He keeps me laughing, that's for sure! We're on Lambchop #3, he even brought it with him in the car this morning when I went to vote and then dropped the car off at the garage for an oil change. He spent his time at the garage charming the socks off everyone in the waiting room and all the mechanics came out to meet him.
I finished Croft Manor yesterday and started the actual game. I like the puzzle solving and platforming parts of Tomb Raider Anniversary, but not so fond of the combat bits. I got a little stuck on one level and watched a video of the level and was all fine until I discovered I was going to have to take down a T-Rex later in the level. I think I'm done.
I got so stuck in The Complete Saga at one point that I quit and didn't go back for a couple of years. I finally did, found a decent walkthrough and discovered what I'd missed and all went fairly smooth after that. I think my two favorite Lego games are Lego Indy and Lego Jurassic Park, with Marvel Superheroes coming in a close third.
I still had fun with it, but I agree with you that I've seen better Lego games.
Lego games remain fairly high priority with me, not because they are necessarily good games, but because I always have fun playing them. And if I take a break, they're fairly easy to jump back into.
I had to work, and even though we were handing out candy at the market, I guess no one wanted to come down from Main Street, because it was dead. We did get a couple of kids who knew one of my co-workers, and they reversed trick-or-treated me - snuck up when I wasn't looking and left candy at my register.
Just out of curiousity, can you message me a link to that camera pack? I could really use something like that for when I travel, too.
Snee, I have that link bookmarked on my laptop! I found the old Apple II disc it was on when I cleaned my stuff out of my grandmother's garage last year. No, I didn't save it.