The originals were awesome but this is good to hear. From watching the trailer months ago, I could not detect any humor in this remake. But now I'm interested in checking it out.
The originals were awesome but this is good to hear. From watching the trailer months ago, I could not detect any humor in this remake. But now I'm interested in checking it out.
Haha. I didn't detect that sarcasm right away. He certainly gave his best and probably only non-comedic performance to date.
I'm sure your brother would be estatic to get the show. Most fans of FMA are not as critical of Brotherhood as me. And it's certainly an interesting series, both series remain among the most popular anime for good reason.
I agree with all the words you used to describe Oldboy. I thought the trailer for the remake looked pretty good, but yeah, it does look kind of normal now that you mention it. At least it has a good cast. Hollywood usually manages to mess up these remakes anyway.
I've pre-ordered this. I'm pretty much a Final Fantasy fanboy, and I can only imagine how massive this game is. I'm not too worried about the servers filling up on launch because they give people who pre-ordered it early access (which I won't get from Amazon.ca)
Yeah, I think even the Wii is outselling the Wii U. That's pretty bad. I never thought that the Wii U name had so much to do with their bad luck, but you are probably right. The only big game that actually made good use of the Wii U controller was Rayman Legends. And we all know the story behind that one.
I'm considering picking up the recent Metal Gear collection for this game and MGS1:VR Missions. The set is such a great deal, but I pretty much own all the games already.
I played the demo of Peace Walker but it just felt like bit-sized Metal Gear to me. Nothing special. I feel I need to play it to prepare for MGSV though.
Well, that was pretty unproffesional of her to do that. Never liked Gamestop. Seriously, the store is the size of a small bedroom; I think I find the game on my own, thank you!
One of the few games on my Steam collection that I actually beat. Really nice atmosphere and a great ending.
"Full-Lohan"? Haha, I think you just created a new meme!
Anyway, I'll probably check this out. I'll pretty much watch anything with Jena Malone (Or half the actors from Donnie Darko).