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GamerFoxem's Comments - Page 7

Tracing Dat Ass

Posted on 04/07/2016 at 07:37 PM | Filed Under Blogs

It'll be a different experience if you started from somewhere around Gen III and up.

Tracing Dat Ass

Posted on 04/06/2016 at 05:11 PM | Filed Under Blogs

It's cool, Matt. I know I talk about Pokemon a lot but I'm not going to force you to play them. I'm just going to talk about how awesome they are.

Mega Awesome Space Chicken!

Posted on 03/26/2016 at 10:15 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah, but it's depressing to see someone that you saw grow a little to go...

Mega Awesome Space Chicken!

Posted on 03/25/2016 at 05:45 PM | Filed Under Blogs

She's fine. A kid she took care of from her day care days passed away, so she went for his funeral.

Redhead waits on player to make her move

Posted on 03/12/2016 at 11:29 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Err... I might need to team up with people if I want to get to Job Mastery (it's the quest that unlocks more of the job as well as give you schematics for that job's armor).

Redhead waits on player to make her move

Posted on 03/12/2016 at 04:45 PM | Filed Under Blogs

It's pretty good. I'll be playing multiplayer as soon as I get my Machanist armor.

Redhead waits on player to make her move

Posted on 03/12/2016 at 04:44 PM | Filed Under Blogs

If I had a Wii U I would check out Pokken Tournament.

Redhead waits on player to make her move

Posted on 03/12/2016 at 04:43 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I usually work a 6-2 shift, but lately it's been 6-3.

Quickie: Gauntlet Fisted PS2

Posted on 03/03/2016 at 04:26 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'll look into that, once the Year of Pokemon is over...

Quickie: Gauntlet Fisted PS2

Posted on 03/02/2016 at 09:29 PM | Filed Under Blogs

There's a multiplayer game on Steam. Basic package is $5.

I want to actually play a Gauntlet game with a friend or two. Not sure if I should look into the Slayer Edition.

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