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Blake Turner's Comments - Page 61

Hey Hey

Posted on 08/09/2016 at 12:56 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Sorry, but I stole it from Avatar: The Last Airbender:

Things I liked last week...

Posted on 08/09/2016 at 09:53 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I haven't watched Preacher since ep 4 because it stopped airing in Aus so I'm going to have to resort to piracy which is unfortunate because this is a show I'd prefer to watch legally.

 I am glad you like it though, and I would recommend giving the comics a read. They're a bit more fucked up than the show has ben up to this point, as vertigo comics tend to be. They do have the heart and humour of the show though. Also, if you want something truly fucked up and gory check out Crossed. It's by the same guy, and it's so messed up that I sometimes have trouble peresevering. It is so weird, funny and offbeat that I feel like I have to read the next issue, even if almost every panel looks like a cannibal corpse album cover. It does have a point though, and it has some very heady messages about violence in media, even if it does also revel in the things it criticises.

 I haven't watched the movie, but Suicide Squad's soundtrack can go fuck itself. They have Panic at the Disco cover Bohemian Rhapsody, and it's just the frontman singing over the instrumental. That's not a cover, that's fucking Karaoke.

 Not to mention, they have Avril Lavigne doing a song with Marilyn Manson, and the really gutless cover of Where is my Mind? by Pixies. 

 Elder Scrolls Legend seems like a lot of fun. I've enjoyed my time with it so far, but GW2 has taken most of my time this week.

 Finally: eh. A film isn't really bad if you can have fun with it. It's junk food, but that's not a bad thing. I think people think they should only watch really intelligent shows and movies, but that's not the case. A good balance helps you enjoy both. One of my favourite films of the last decade is The Raid, and that film is stupid as shit.


Gears of War Ultimate

Posted on 08/08/2016 at 01:06 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I actually really want to play this, but its completely fucking broken on pc because of its attachment to microsofts store.

 Glad your having a good time with it though

Pixlbit Questionare 22: Metroid Edition

Posted on 08/07/2016 at 12:55 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Prime and Zero Mission.

Pixlbit Questionare 22: Metroid Edition

Posted on 08/07/2016 at 12:54 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Even Other M?

Under-Appreciate Awesomeness Vol. 5

Posted on 08/05/2016 at 03:19 AM | Filed Under Blogs

The game has been forced offline by asshole lawyers, so you have to get it here:

Under-Appreciate Awesomeness Vol. 5

Posted on 08/04/2016 at 01:11 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Honestly, I find the SP to be quite fun. It takes you to all 10 maps, allows you to learn them, teaches you how the scenarios work, teaches you how the operators work so you aren't wasting your time, and teaches you how a decent variety of your gadgets and traps work. They also don't take long at all, and I'd rather these scenarios than a fucking COD campaign.

 And you are still playing with people in a heavily team-based game. People will get angry if you get your entire team killed because you stormed in without bothering to learn how to play. It is quite a complex game, and the better your team does, the more xp you get, so you are actively hurting other people's enjoyment of the game.


Under-Appreciate Awesomeness Vol. 5

Posted on 08/04/2016 at 01:59 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Its free too. 

Under-Appreciate Awesomeness Vol. 5

Posted on 08/04/2016 at 01:24 AM | Filed Under Blogs

So you're one of those dicks who doesn't play tutorial missions and is a complete menace to their team? Okay, this game isn't for you then.

 The single player missions are there to teach you how to play this game, since it's not a typical shooter. It's a long tutorial for a complex game, but it's also fun. It reminds me of old Rainbow Six, and tactical fps is something we've been missing.

 Finally, you don't even have to watch the videos. You get 600 cp for pressing play and quitting out of them immediately.

Under-Appreciate Awesomeness Vol. 5

Posted on 08/04/2016 at 01:17 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I mean sure, but if you play the single player missions and watch the tutorial videos you unlock over half of them, and you get enough to unlock a new one every 4-5 matches. It's actually getting to the point where I'm running out of things to unlock, so I don't even know why it has micro-transactions.

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