I think I could relate to Zidane the most. Optimistic and helpful, yet still finding where I belong and how I fit in.
I think I could relate to Zidane the most. Optimistic and helpful, yet still finding where I belong and how I fit in.
One day....
I will know one of these punk bands, LOL
Wow. This game sounds amazing and looks wonderful! I'll have to check it out sometime, thanks Matt!
I'm not sure what to think of this one. On one hand, I want to play it simply because it's an RPG, but on another hand I'm rather hesitant. Overall though, for having an Anime look, I think it looks rather beautifully crafted!
Good review though Julian!
This sounds like a fun game I could get into! One of my more favorited games of this gen in terms of vehicular combat is Blood Drive. It's basically a Twisted Metal clone with Zombies roaming around. The zombies are absolutely pointless in terms of effecting the player for the most part, but their presence offers the player new gameplay options such as seeing who can kill the most zombies within an arena, or acting as a time-penatly during a race.
Overall though, this game seems innovative and interesting, and for 800 points, I don't see myself going too wrong with this!
Wow, I've never heard of this game, but it seems to be a highly interesting platformer within the likings of the Portal series in terms of being innovative. I'll have to check this out sometime, thanks Darby!
Honestly; I don't have an opinion on this. I never made it past the first Mass Effect game for some reason. I've heard countless praise for the series, but I've just never been able to finish it.
Good luck man, I hope everything goes well!!!
The second Assassin's Creed is my favorite of the series!
But here's a quick option for you: Start the download, then cancel it. By doing this, Xbox registers your 'right' to download the game, leaving you to download it at again at another time at your convenience! Hope this helps!
I have yet to play any of the Far Cry games, but the third one really has me interested. Perhaps I'll make a trip to Wal-Mart here in the near future and pick it up!